
  • Essay / Life Begins at Conception - 554

    “What stage of pregnancy is before the unborn child is considered human? When do they benefit from fundamental rights? These proposals were the subject of one of the most controversial discussions of the century. Based on the research I have done on this topic, it has become indisputable to me that life begins at the moment of conception. While I, along with many other pro-life advocates, believe that human life is set in motion from the minute of conception. design, there is a significant group of individuals who would disagree. They firmly believe that the embryo is just a “potential human.” Many abortionists believe in the idea that the embryo should not be considered a full human being because it is entirely dependent on its mother. Although this reasoning seems plausible, a little deeper analysis reveals that this does not appear to be the case. Imagine the following scenario. A man rides down a busy road on his motorcycle. Suddenly, the man loses control of his bike and collides with a car that is overtaking him on the road. This man is then rushed to the emergency room where doctors discover that, although lucky to still be alive, he is completely paralyzed. He now relies exclusively on health care providers, family, and friends for all aspects of his life that he was once able to carry out independently. Does this total dependence on others dehumanize him in any way? No. This man is still a human “by nature”. The situation of paralyzed man is now comparable to that of human embryos. According to the Basics of Biology textbook, life begins at fertilization. This is when the sperm joins the oocyte. In order to distinguish whether an organism is alive or not, there are several crucial elements...... middle of article ......e leading scientists in our society today. Works Cited “When does life begin?” When does life begin? Association of Pro-Life Physicians, nd Web. November 30, 2013. Dougherty, Jon E. “RECENT ARTICLES.” Life begins at conception. Catholic Education Resource Center, 2001. Web. November 30, 2013. .Alcorn, Randy. “Why life begins at conception.” National Association for the Advancement of the Unborn, nd Web. November 30, 2013. .Slick, Matt. “Is an embryo human? CARME. Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, nd Web. November 30, 2013. “Human.” Merriam Webster. Merriam-Webster, nd Web. November 30. 2013. .