
  • Essay / A Critical Analysis of “Practice Makes Perfect”

    There have been several occasions where I wrote an article that I believed accurately conveyed my position or ideas on the subject. However, I discovered that I was wrong in this belief. My critical analysis assignment, “Tweet Less, Kiss More Analysis” (4), was an example of when I incorrectly conveyed the topic I was assigned. Since this was an analysis paper on the article “Tweet Less, Kiss More” by Bob Herbert, I was expected to actually analyze the article. Of course, I thought I had done this when it was pointed out to me that instead of analyzing the article, I had given my position on the topic discussed in the article. It was through this that I realized that the structure and information contained in an essay can completely change the readers' opinion about the article. Instead of the reader forming their own opinion or position due to the article and my analysis of it, I had unintentionally given only my own position on the topic discussed in the article. The information and structure of an article are essential to the quality and clarity of the document. A good article can't have one and not the other and that's something I've learned throughout this