
  • Essay / Rhetoric in the I Have A Dream Speech - 991

    King successfully appealed to the audience's emotions, doubts, feelings and aspirations through the use of pathos in the "I Have a Dream" speech . The repetition of the phrase: “I have a dream” gave the audience a feeling of confidence and optimism. Mark Vail explained the phrase, "I Have a Dream" as "integrating the overall tripartite organization of his speech into a single, compelling argument for his audience." » (2006) Pathos appeals to emotion based on charged descriptions of people, objects, events or actions. Dr. King used anaphora throughout his speech to add momentum to each applause line after a few repetitions. Some examples are: "A hundred years later, the Negro...", "The time has come...", "I have a dream...", "Some of you..." and " Let freedom ring…” Dr. King used biblical and religious terms to elicit an emotional response and connection with the audience: “The glory of the Lord will be revealed and all flesh will see it together” Yan explains some of the biblical references in the. Dr. King: “King had a deep knowledge of the Scriptures, quoting verses from Amos and Isaiah and subtly referencing passages from the Psalms and Galatians. These allusions surely resonated with much of the world. his audience and gave his words -an extra layer of depth” (2015) In which explains that the Lord will come and all men will come and stand together, Dr. King makes a point that concerns and appeals to every father. who wants a better future for his children.