
  • Essay / e-Business - 1522

    E-BusinessE-business is the biggest emerging trend in the business world today. The rise of e-commerce is radically changing the way people buy and sell. Business is no longer a universal concept, this concept is being replaced by a consumer economy driven by choice. These choices are not only about product and price, but also about the shopping environment, where transactions can take place face-to-face or in an online environment. Not only do traditional businesses conduct their transactions with other businesses in such an online format, but these transactions take place between businesses and consumers as well as between consumers. The following document describes some of the differences and similarities of each of these e-business models. Business to Business E-Business Many companies offer e-business solutions, but I will use Intel as an example. Intel is a leader in this area when it comes to the solutions offered to its customers. Using a product-based web experience for their business customers, they adapted their organization to effectively manage their supply chain as well as their customer relationships (David and Malone p. 103). Intel realizes that e-commerce is not just about selling products for the long term. Internet, but involvement in supply chain management and customer service is also crucial. Tremendous value is added to the process of obtaining raw materials and also supplying goods to retailers and distributors to the desired extent (David and Malone p. 106). The primary use of business-to-business e-commerce is the simplification of all business communications. Intel is able to link with all of its business customers via the web, giving them instant access to each other. Their professional site allows you to link things such as their inventories. Thus, an entire step of the activity, ordering products, is eliminated. Intel is a leader in e-commerce supply chain management. One of their products is called TransConnect, which is an end-to-end shipping and fulfillment solution. Businesses can combine a product like TransConnect with tailored solutions from Intel Supply Chain Consulting and benefit from new levels of efficiency and customer service. This allows Intel to be more responsive and productive when meeting the needs of its customers (David and Malone p. 106-107).Bus...... middle of paper ......or use the Internet in many different ways. However, the Internet is like other information technologies: change management, good implementation practices and clear business objectives are required. At its most developed, e-commerce aims to reduce costs and improve efficiency by integrating business systems and eliminating duplication of effort. The main advantage of all types of e-commerce, business to business, business to consumer or consumer to consumer, is that the business can be run more efficiently, achieving more with fewer resources and at lower cost while benefiting to your customer. Business is no longer a universal concept, this concept is being replaced by a consumer economy driven by choice. ReferencesDavid, W. and Malone M. “Virtual Corporations”. Forbes, December 7, 1992, p. 102-107.Menagh, Melanie. “Virtues and vices of the virtual society” Computerworld, November 13, 1995, p. 134. “Definition of online retail”; January 10, 1997., Peter GW “Secret62