
  • Essay / Sex education beyond stereotypical views

    Even in 2019, discussions about sex, sexual behavior and sex education remain taboo. The importance of comprehensive sexuality education goes beyond just getting students to have sex, but provides an understanding of sexual health, sexual abuse, and more than just putting a condom on a banana . A comprehensive sex education program will educate young people about healthy sexual habits and the importance of consent, which has recently been a major issue. Sexual abuse, assault, infections, and sexually transmitted diseases need to be discussed so that our children can be prepared and more willing to speak up when situations arise. Schools should not only have but require comprehensive sex education programs to inform students that whether they are sexually active or not, sex education is somewhat of a preventative measure that creates an open dialect for students to understand their body and protect it. Comprehensive sex education programs should be just as important as a student knowing how to add and subtract, because sex will affect many children before they even know how to add or subtract. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay It was concluded that school districts where “sex education curriculum is non-existent or teach abstinence experience an increase in teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (Burns 2017). .” Information like this proves that comprehensive sex education programs in schools are a necessity and must be created for the safety of our students. Many say that sex education will encourage children to have sex, but based on the data, they have sex even without sex education, so why not at least create programs to promote safe sex. Based on the information searched, I found several articles discussing and identifying the importance of inclusive and comprehensive sex education programs in schools. Among the articles found, one article discusses the effects of comprehensive sexuality education in schools and how changes are observed once programs are implemented. The article focuses on an evaluation of comprehensive sex education in Chicago Public Schools and the actual implementation of sex education in their public schools. Focusing on ninth graders, the article examines not only the students' experiences, but also those of the teachers. This article stands out because its findings include what students wanted from sex education programs. Student expectations include information about the LGBTQ+ curriculum as well as teacher tone to create a “safe space.” The research from this article was most compelling because it not only tells us that students want sex education, but that they have specific needs that they want to meet through this education. This research emphasizes the idea of ​​autonomy that is necessary when discussing sex education. Although I am aware that many people are against the idea of ​​sex education, my conclusions about why are difficult to understand due to sex education's promotion of autonomy. and health. Most of the opposing arguments are based solely on religion and misogyny which, in my opinion, do not take into account..