
  • Essay / Hydrogen - 2671

    Since the start of the scientific revolution in the early 1990s, humanity has been searching for a clean, renewable source of energy; The solution to this problem would probably be the most common thing in our lives: WATER. Water is made up of two chemical elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Each water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms (H2) and one oxygen atom (O). The chemical bond between these three atoms is very stable and strong. Therefore, the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen is, under normal circumstances, very intense and generates a lot of energy. 2H2 + O2 ® 2H2O + energy Hydrogen and oxygen are both gases at normal temperatures and pressures and the product of this reaction is pure water, usually in its gaseous form - steam. It now appears that hydrogen is the ideal energy source that humanity has always sought. More than 70% of the Earth's surface is covered in water, so hydrogen is renewable and unlimited. The reaction of hydrogen with oxygen generates a lot of energy and has no negative output, only water. But the respectable power hidden in water has been known for more than 200 years, and for a long time scientists have been trying to find a way to extract this energy, rather than splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen can be used to power cars, railways. engines, planes, to produce electricity and heat. But even though technical advances in the 19th and 20th centuries have enabled the experimental use of hydrogen in many applications, many problems remain to be solved. There is certainly a lot of misinformation about hydrogen that has been made public, so here are the basic facts about hydrogen as an energy source according to Nuts & Volts magazine. Hydrogen on earth is not a fuel. It's just an energy carrier. According to the definition of the word fuel, fuel is a substance capable of providing new energy during combustion or other chemical reaction. On the other hand, an energy carrier is a substance that is uniquely capable of moving previously acquired energy from one place to another. To be precise, the water molecule is energetically very advantageous for oxygen and hydrogen atoms and needs a lot of energy to disintegrate it again into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, or better into molecules H2 and O2, therefore H2 and O...... middle of paper .. ....national strength of all countries that do not have significant oil resources and each country could be self-sufficient in hydrogen. For example, US trade records show that oil imports drain $1 billion from the US economy every week. The "clean transportation" effect is also important, thanks to an engine that does not produce carbon dioxide or other emissions dangerous to the environment. Hydrogen could be considered safer than gasoline, if safety regulations are not violated, in the event of an accident the hydrogen would quickly evaporate and rise into the atmosphere, while the gasoline would remain spread on the ground. Hydrogen consumes much more energy than gasoline, saves the engine more, and fuel cell technology also promises further development and increased reliability of hydrogen cars. According to the United States Department of Energy, we can expect regular hydrogen-powered traffic in 20 to 30 years. Even though, so far, no hydrogen cars are in production and hydrogen engines are only under development, hydrogen remains the main alternative fuel of the future..