
  • Essay / Hamlet and His Hallucinations by Shakespeare - 1489

    Hamlet is arguably the most famous play written by the very famous English playwright William Shakespeare, a man known throughout much of the Western world as the father of English literature. This title is partly explained by Shakespeare's ability to take a character and, through a basic plot, transform it into something that many scholars have debated for years. Hamlet in this play is this character; a character whose mental instability or simple lack of perception has led to countless debates and arguments over the actual explanation of the character's behavior. Schizophrenia can be defined as a long-lasting mental disorder that poses a fundamental barrier to thinking and feeling (as well as behavior). This disorder can then lead to poor judgment in perception, unusual actions and feelings, all in addition to an overall withdrawal from reality and a devolution of personal relationships towards delusional perceptions of self- itself and its environment. All in all, schizophrenia is a problem. mental disorder involving collapse of the mind and grip on reality (National Library of Medicine). With the above definition, it may seem rash at first glance to criticize Hamlet and state that he suffers from schizophrenia; However, once we consider the different degrees in which schizophrenia can manifest, this idea no longer becomes so far-fetched. It must therefore be affirmed that Hamlet is neither mad nor lazy, but simply a man who suffers from schizophrenic hallucinations; The hallucinations that transformed the plot into one focused primarily on Hamlet's search for the truth. 17th-century Denmark was largely Protestant and home to Wittenberg University, the school where Hamlet enrolled. Midway through the article, the reader is left to reflect on the severity of his mental state, as his behavior serves to further indicate the insanity resulting from schizophrenia. The evidence presented in this piece for the scientific explanation of this literary classic is quite important because it provides insight into what a schizophrenic acts, thinks, and behaves. Works Cited Adams, Gordon. “Be true to yourself.” American University, 2012. Web. May 19, 2014.Maki, Shawna. Realization, madness and tragedy of Ophélie. McKendree University, 2012. Web. May 19, 2014. Mancewicz, Aneta. MIT Global Shakespeares. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011. Web. May 15, 2014. National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health. Schizophrenia. January 31, 2013. The web. May 15, 2014Shakespeare, William and Harold Jenkins. Hamlet. London: Methuen, 1982. Print.