
  • Essay / Top 10 Fashion Mistakes Many of Us Make and How to Fix Them

    Today I'm sharing the top 10 fashion mistakes many of us make and how to fix them. I know fashion mistakes are a bit controversial because at the end of the day there should be no right or wrong. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get an original essay When it comes to fashion, I don't like having rules in almost any area of ​​my life, let alone the fashion that is truly all about fun and self-expression. But there are a few things that I see regularly, and I think they are fashion mistakes and that by tweaking them and making just a few small changes, we can step out in style every day. So, if you want to see what I think are some fashion mistakes that are easy to fix, then keep reading. I think the number one mistake most of us make is limiting ourselves when it comes to fashion. We limit ourselves because of our age or our size. I've heard people say things like I'm too old to wear that or I'm too fat to wear that. At the end of the day, you're too nothing to wear anything. Fashion is about fun, it's about self-expression and don't limit yourself by thinking there are certain things you absolutely can't wear. So I think it's really important to start with a clean slate. Don't decide you can't wear something because of something you read or something someone may have told you, just ignore it all and start again. Don't limit yourself. People have told me that I should dress my age. And ultimately what does that mean, you know, I'm going to be 51 next month and does that also mean that I should dress very conservatively or I don't know what what it means and I don't think it should actually mean anything. I think we should dress how we feel and dress what makes us feel good. So my number one fashion mistake is to stop limiting ourselves, stop putting ourselves in a box and letting others decide what we should and shouldn't wear. Another fashion mistake that I think is often made is thinking that lots of skin and showing lots of skin equals sexy. And in fact, I think the opposite is actually quite true, showing small touches of skin but not too much is much sexier in my opinion. than showing everything and leaving nothing to the imagination. I think a gorgeous silk shirt worn with a pair of distressed denim jeans and heels is super sexy and you don't show too much skin. So I think a lot of us make the mistake of wanting to emphasize sex. attract and feel a little sexier than we have to take it all off and show a lot of skin. I think it's a fashion mistake and I don't think we need to show our skin to look sexy in clothes. Another mistake is letting fashion intimidate you. I know it sounds a little strange, but we are often intimidated by fashion brands and fashion assistants. Now I know that feeling will walk into a fashion store and the staff will be stunning and they will be dressed head to toe, impeccably beautiful, but we have to remember that it's their job, they are there all the day playing with clothes, creating outfits, styling outfits. Don't feel intimidated by this. This often prevents us from exploring new stores, new brands, and new places to shop.We tend to go to places that make us comfortable and that's all well and good but that means we don't explore other labels because we're secretly intimidated. Don't let yourself be intimidated. You deserve to look great no matter what label or how you're dressed when you walk into the store. The other mistake is listening to what people tell us about what we shouldn't wear. Sometimes it was our mothers who told us that we shouldn't wear a particular color or a particular style, but usually this isn't always true and old fashion trends evolve and look the same. Evolve your personality, so don't leave some of those seeds that were sown by other people. Obstruct and cloud your fashion judgment. If you put something on and it feels good and feels good in it, then it's for you. That works ! Don't let others dictate to you and sow doubt in your mind. Another mistake is shopping at the same stores all the time. Now I understand that you can feel really comfortable with the styles, you usually have a good idea that these particular brands will suit you, but here's the thing every season, fashion obviously changes and brands change their look as well and feel like they will have a new buyer coming along. and starts to buy a different look and feel, they all need to evolve their labels. And I'm sure you can relate to walking into a store and one season everything works for you, the next season not so much. So what I think is really important for us to do is not limit ourselves to going to the same stores all the time. Rely on stores that you love and feel good in, but don't forget to explore other brands and stores to create your own sense of style and help you evolve your sense of style. fashion. Now I don't really like to talk about right and wrong when it comes to fashion, but there is one fashion crime that I don't think is flattering to everyone and that is classic mid-calf short pants. Now the problem I have with this is unless you have incredibly thin long legs, anything that cuts off mid-calf will highlight that part of your body. Now the problem concerns most of us. The mid-calf is the widest part of our leg, so why would we want to emphasize it? So I think unless you have the most amazing legs, everyone should avoid cropped pants that hit you out. And fall mid-calf cropped pants are fine, but wear them 3/4 length or wear them just below your knee or just above your knee. Next fashion mistake that I think we can easily change is not wearing tops, skirts and pants that fall at the widest part of your body. So, for example, if you carry most of your weight on your hips, the last thing you want is a top that will fall exactly over that widest part of your body. This will highlight that area of ​​your body so the eye is naturally drawn to that part of your body, so it's the least flattering place for a top to end up on you. Same thing with pants, skirts, shorts, everything. If you follow the rule of making sure your tops, skirts and pants fall at the narrowest part of your body so that they are just below your knee. It could be your ankle, if you carry most of your weight on your hips, opt for a dipped hemline which will attract the..