
  • Essay / Egypt - 1670

    Egypt 2Egypt is a very important trading country for its surroundings. Egypt has one of the most interesting rivers in the world, the Nile. Its area is three hundred and eighty-six thousand square miles, four times the size of the British Isles. (Wilkins Frances 1999.). Approximately the size of Texas and New Mexico combined. The year of independence is 1922. (Worth & El-Naggar 2010) The highest point is Mount Catherine of two thousand six hundred and twenty-nine meters. The lowest elevation point is the Qattara Depression, which measures one hundred and thirty-three meters. The natural hazards facing Egypt are earthquakes, flash floods, landslides, volcanic activity, windstorms called Khams in, dust storms and sandstorms. (Birgeneau Dean. 2002). Egypt is a small country located in Africa. It is in the northeastern part of Africa, next to the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Its neighboring countries are Libya and Sudan. Its absolute location is twenty-seven degrees north and thirty degrees east. The total surrounding area is one million four hundred and fifty square kilometers. The field could accommodate three New Mexicos inside. (Britannica Encyclopedia 1995.) Egypt can be divided into high plateaus and low plains. There are also many places where groundwater discharges. (Cultural Ggram). The most fertile lands in the world are found along the Nile. The Egyptians all take turns on the river to meet their daily needs. In the city of Alexandria there is the largest seaport called Port Said. This is located along the Mediterranean Sea. The land in Egypt is very arid. (Wilkins Frances 1999.). Egypt is divided into four regions. Number one is the Nile Valley and Delta. The second is the Western Desert, including the Mediterranean Sea. Number t...... middle of paper ...... to use their Egypt 7 river as much as possible. Egypt maintains very close trade relations with the coastal countries of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Also has strong trade with its neighboring countries. Yes, Egypt may not like sharing the river, but it brings good benefits to the whole country. (Foreign Affairs 2010) Most Egyptians prefer a relaxed and quiet life. They are very patient people, characterized by the word Ma alesh which means “do not worry”. This term helps people brush aside concerns or conflicts that aren't that serious. They are emotionally expressive, which helps them in their bad conditions. The company is a serious debater fighting to win the hearts of Egyptians. Rural men wear gallabeyya over long robes. All women should not show any skin except their eyes. This country is very protective and understanding. (cultural gram).