
  • Essay / Cost of the Good Life - 765

    The question “What is the good life?” » This is the one that Professor Curta challenged me on that first day of class in mid-August. Over the course of a few months, I examined the many aspects of this question while applying the concepts to my own life. Everyone's answer to this age-old question is a little different and depends entirely on individual influences and goals. To me, the good life is about having a stable future and a close group of friends to live it with. But like all good things, it comes at a cost. For me, these costs relate to having to leave some of my childhood friends behind. As hard as it is, I know it's for the best and I keep my eyes focused on the task at hand, hoping to find that good life. My definition of the good life is not one that I shaped overnight. It forced me to question myself and why I chose to live my life the way I do. The first part of my definition, having a stable future, refers to me pursuing the best education possible and later getting a well-paying job. The second part, having a close group of friends, is exactly as it sounds. It is not possible to be successful without the love and support of others, and it is also almost impossible to be happy without them. One of the most important choices of my life thus far has been my decision to attend the University of Florida. I wanted to major in computer science, and UF has one of the best programs in the state. This directly fits my definition because getting the best education possible will lead me to a stable future. I'm sure my choice was the right one, but that doesn't mean it was without consequences. It's like I said, be... middle of paper ...... the beginning of the good life is something that everyone who seeks it must face. It is up to the individual to decide whether this choice is worth it. In my case, leaving some of my childhood friends behind was worth it to continue my studies at the institution of my choice. I don't regret this decision and I would make the same choice if I had the chance. If one cannot have complete confidence in the way one chooses to live one's life, perhaps one is not seeking one's truly good life. I know that having a stable future and a close group of friends to spend it with is my good life. And even though I have had to part ways with some of my closest friends, I still try to stay in touch with them, so that I can continue to benefit from their friendship and support throughout my life. I also began to form new relationships here at UF, opening the next chapter of my new life..