
  • Essay / Conflict Analysis in Nursing - 1001

    The purpose of the conflict analysis article is to analyze an interpersonal and interdisciplinary communication conflict that I experienced while working as a nurse. I recounted a brief and respectable experience I had with a new graduate nurse. I explain in detail how the new graduate did not use sterile technique when placing an indwelling catheter. I used assertive communication and improved listening skills to get my message across. The registered nurse was also able to communicate effectively without any interruptions or additional conflicts. In life, wherever you go and wherever there are people, there will always be some form of conflict. On a nursing unit, there are many ways to deal with conflict, whether or not you seek conflict as a nurse. Conflict can be defined as combat, battle or war. All nurses play a role in some sort of conflict, whether considering their own personal experiences with conflict or if a problem arises elsewhere. It is up to the nurse to decide how she responds to the conflict. (Kritek, 2002)Communication is an important aspect of nursing. In healthcare, communication is used to coordinate patient care. Communication is an interactive process that occurs when one person (the sender) sends a verbal or non-verbal message to another person (the receiver) and receives feedback (Kelly p 199). The use of communication is very important when trying to maintain a healthy interpersonal and interdisciplinary relationship with others. Barriers that hinder effective communication are language use; the primary means of communication, whether oral, verbal or through the use of body language, gender; gender interf...... middle of paper ....... She also listened attentively. Using the confrontation strategy in a positive direction, no further problems arose and the teaching session went well. There seemed to be no obstacle to our communication. We both showed mutual respect. Working in a fast-paced environment, we not only deal with patients and staff, but we also face continuous deadlines and changing policies. I also informed the new nurse to keep up to date with the policy and if she doesn't know the policy, at least know where to find them. I pointed him in the right direction to find all the policies and procedures. The new graduate nurse and I have been working side by side on our unit for over a year now. We have a great working relationship. She thanks me from time to time for the encouraging teaching we shared and for not blaming her for her mistake..