
  • Essay / Analysis of the role-playing game "Cruise to the Island" - 604

    I. IntroductionI chose to represent the major in the role-playing game “Island Cruise”. Participating in this play made me realize that there are several aspects that one should keep in mind before attending a meeting, for example “be ready”, “listen”, “share common goals” and “keep your emotions aside”. II. StrategyFirst of all and to be honest I wasn't prepared for the first two role plays we did as I thought it wouldn't be necessary as I thought I was good at arguing so I felt adequately prepared to deal with any argument that might come my way. I was wrong and so I'm glad I wasn't the one who had to participate in the first two role-plays, because everyone else had better arguments and better knowledge of certain facts. My strategy for the “Island Cruise” role-playing game was different. I tried to use all the facts we learned in the first two plays. I prepared my arguments, but I also prepared the arguments the other side might make so that I have intelligent responses ready when I need them. As I thought about my goals as mayor, I felt it was necessary ...