
  • Essay / key management for multicast groups using broadcast...

    5. THE RSA ALGORITHM The RSA algorithm is a public key encryption algorithm. In this algorithm, one user uses a public key and another user uses a secret key (private key). In the RSA algorithm, each station independently and randomly chooses two large prime numbers p and q, then multiplies them to produce n = pq which is the module used in the algorithm's arithmetic calculations. The RSA algorithm is as follows: Select two large prime numbers p, qComputen= pxqv= (p-1) x (q-1)Select a small odd integer k relatively prime to v gcd(k,v) = 1Calculate d tel that(dxk) mod v = (kxd) mod v = 1The public key is (k, n)The private key is (d, n)Output: n, d and k. The RSA algorithm is used several times here, to generate keys for each newly registered user. Since it is used multiple times, it is called M-RSA algorithm here. The RSA algorithm for encryption and decryption is performed as followsEncryption: Calculation E(M) = (Mk) mod nDecryption: Calculation D(M) = (E(M)d) mod nThe decryption key could not be derived from the encryption key. The encryption algorithm, E, and the decryption algorithm, D, had to meet the following requirements: 1) D(E(P)) = P, where P is the plain text 2) It is difficult to deduce D from E3) E cannot be broken by a chosen plaintext attack. If decryption algorithm D is applied to an encrypted message, E(P), then the original plain text message is recovered. For the second condition, D cannot be deduced from E. E is the encryption key, so it cannot be made public.6. PROPOSED SYSTEM MODEL The proposed concept is a key management scheme which is developed from the combination of two multicast scenarios [14] which are broadcast encryption and group key agreement. is carried out by the administrator and the details of the group operations are monitored and recorded. Table 2 shows the details recorded about the group and the functioning of its members. The process of RSA algorithm with p as 5, q as 11, D as 27 and plain text as “abcdefghij” is shown as follows. Plain text Symbolic encryption Digital P3 P3 mod(55) a 1 1 1 b 2 8 8 c 3 27 27 d 4 64 09 e 5 125 15 f 6 216 51 g 7 343 1 p.m. 8 512 17 i 9 729 14 d 10 1000 10Table.1 Encryption processUsername Login Logout Machine IP port Domain statusJohn 12:55:03 1:40:09 4005 Domain1 yesJames 6:14:23 8:30:15 4009 Domain3 noTom 3:45:26 4:40:18 127.0 .0.1 4005 Domain1 noRobert 2:20:40 5:19:25 4014 Domain2 yesHenry 8:40:15 9:12:35 4006 Domain3 noTable. 2 Recorded details of group members’ transactions.