
  • Essay / Printed books vs. Digital Books - 515

    The importance of technology has always been essential to our existence. Many types of technologies continue to develop over generations. Since the 1400s, books have played a vital role in how we document facts, theories, and experiences. This has evolved from extensive documentation being made into e-books to new daily books only available in electronic form. How long before paper books become obsolete? Printed books have a 600-year history, they are an embodiment of culture. Many book lovers tend to appreciate the look of books on a shelf in their home. Like many forms of physical media like books and vinyl; people tend to buy original first printed copies for their collections. Early printings of books tend to be very rare and expensive, books are an important part of history, and collecting old pieces of literature is very important to some people. “Traditionally, a book is either considered an isolated singular phenomenon, or a copy with all its physical dimensions attached to a single descriptive level, or integrated into a larger context, a life, a library, an e...