
  • Essay / Childhood In my childhood - 625

    Some mothers might disapprove of their child scribbling on the walls of their room. Other mothers, like mine, eventually give in and buy washable writing utensils for their little ones. I have always been the rambunctious and creative child in the family. Growing up with a “good and kind” older sister, my behavior came as a surprise to my parents. My older sister, Jenny, was the golden child who would impress anyone who just heard her speak. She excelled in all of her classes from elementary to high school. My talents, on the other hand, consisted of drawing, arts and crafts, and making layouts for the yearbook and newspaper club. At one point in my life, I remember being constantly compared to my sister. “Why can’t you be more like Jenny?” This question stuck in my head. I doubt people realize the effect this type of comparison could have on a child. Luckily, my parents tried not to compare us often, but they were still guilty of doing so from time to time. After seeing all the attention she would receive from family members and teachers, I wanted...