
  • Essay / Sherman Alexie's description of the characters' achievements as described in his book, Smoke Signals

    In Smoke Signals, Thomas and Victor complete each part of the hero's journey, from the "Ordinary World" to "Return with the Elixir." For example, Suzie Song plays the role of the girl giving the heroes gifts as a reward at the end of their journey. Their first trip is to Phoenix to retrieve the ashes of Arnold Joseph, but it is both a physical and spiritual discovery that they seek. Their journey quickly becomes habitual to them, much like in "The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian", written by the same author, Sherman Alexie, Junior makes the routine journey to school each day, crossing the border between worlds to make your morning commute. Through Thomas and Victor's shared experiences, their relationship of unbridled admiration and subtle antagonism, respectively, evolves into one of clear friendship and trust. However, they must experience conflicts for their comrade to prevail. Think back, when they have a heated argument in the car before their near-fatal accident. Through this mutual traumatic experience, all hostility immediately ceases, resonating with Rowdy and Junior reconciling over a game of basketball in "The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian". Not only are these scenes, from "The Absolute True Diary" and "Smoke Signals", essential to the development of the plot and corresponding character, but they illustrate a theme born thousands of years earlier on the plains of Marathon, where the few triumphed over the many. After the accident, Victor, like Pheidippides, the marathon runner who announced victory in Athens, does not stop until his body collapses, and Victor is fueled by the heroic morality so prized today and perhaps to be even more in the Hellenic era. It's a brutal allusion, with Thomas going so far as to call him "the Marathon man." Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay With epic, non-diegetic music playing in the background of the montage, the lighting of the race using Victor plays an important role in providing meaning. for the climactic scene. The night, the argument in the car, the resulting accident and the confrontation that follows are the weak points of the film. They are plunged into darkness and the veil only lifts when Victor goes on the run, the last of his journeys. Running at night, as the sun rises, he has overcome all obstacles, internal and external. At this point, when he sees his father for the last time, it is the climax of the film. Chris Eyre uses lighting to contrast sequential scenes and differentiate the low points and high points of Victor's journeys, the central points of the film. Although he fails to reach the city, Victor's heroic efforts earn him the respect of his friends and consider him a hero. This is reminiscent of "The Absolute True Diary", where Junior's trip up top to block Rowdy's dunk at the novel's climax provides an interesting contrast to the beginning of the book, when on the first play he is knocked unconscious by the Rowdy's elbow. head. Victor's request for help also alludes to "The Fast Runner", a popular Native American myth and 2001 film. Chris Eyre pays homage to the idea found in Fast Runner and in Pheidippides at Marathon, that redemption occurs found through a heroic act, in this case running for help. At the end of the story, there still remains an additional test to be carried out, as with Hercules and his 12 Labors. Victor must enter his father's caravan, which he is loath to do..