
  • Essay / The Benefits of Medical Marijuana - 1062

    Smoke 15,000 joints in less than 20 minutes to die from a marijuana overdose. (The Union) Medical marijuana is less harmful than most other legal tobacco products. Medicinal marijuana has the potential to help create thousands of jobs and help people suffering from pain. Medical cannabis is stigmatized by the government and the public because it is addictive and harmful to the body. Many believe marijuana is a gateway drug, but false realities and naive people create false hope for those who truly know what cannabis can do to the mind. Medical cannabis has been used for centuries for its calming and hallucinogenic qualities. With so many states having already legalized medical marijuana, the benefits of this mind-changing plant have changed people's opinions and are now expected to lead to its legalization in all states. From 1900 to 1940, marijuana, opium and cocaine were considered everyday drugs. After the United States banned opium and cocaine, the American government became very strict when it came to cannabis laws, which quickly became frowned upon. Around the 1990s and early 2000s, scientists began to discover that marijuana could significantly help people who were getting sick. Medicinal marijuana has been tested to help people with many forms of illness such as cancer, AIDS, cataracts and severe depression. Doctors began to realize the potential of medical cannabis on the body and wanted it legalized across the country. The first state to take action was California in 1996. States followed California's actions and now 20 other states have since legalized medical marijuana. The US federal government has attempted to prevent patients from obtaining cannabis and has threatened doctors who prescribe...... middle of article...... Works Cited "Marijuana Policy Project". Medical Marijuana Backgrounder. Np, and Web. January 17, 2014. “Medical Marijuana for Pain and Depression.” » Disabled world. Np, and Web. January 15, 2014. “Medical Marijuana, An Easy Target for Abuse.” » Alcoholism. Np, and Web. January 20, 2014. Myung-Ok Lee, Marie. “Exaggeration in the war on pot.” » Los Angeles Times. January 22, 2013: A.11. Researcher on SIRS issues. Internet. January 8, 2014. “Pot for medical purposes? Of course. To get high? No. » THE UNITED STATES TODAY. October 30, 2012: A.10. Researcher on SIRS issues. Internet. January 9, 2014ProQuest Staff. “At issue: medical marijuana. » ProQuest LLC. 2014: n.pag. Researcher on SIRS issues. Internet. January 8, 2014.Sack, David. “Is marijuana a good medicine?” » Los Angeles Times. July 26, 2012: A.23. Researcher on SIRS issues. Internet. January 9, 2014. The Union: the business behind the highs. Real. Joe Rogan. Netflix, 2007. The web