
  • Essay / Gender Reflection Paper - 531

    Stephanie ClarkFebruary 19, 2014Reflection Paper 1I believe there is a major difference in the way boys and girls express their emotions. When it comes to showing emotions, if a boy shows any, he will be considered a wimp by society. Boys who want to show their emotions probably won't because they're afraid of what society will think of them. According to the text, men are defined by their activities, achievements, and position while women are defined by their appearance or their relationships with others (Wood, p. 119). Gender roles are automatically assigned to us by society and are based on the activities we do, the way we speak, the way we act, etc. If we were to do something out of the norm, it would definitely be noticed. If a boy shows his emotions publicly they would be considered weak. I don't think it's healthy for anyone to hide their emotions because keeping their emotions in all the time and not sharing them can lead to problems. Not only is society to blame for why boys hide their feelings, but parents are sometimes the cause as well. I'm not saying all parents are...