
  • Essay / Stereotypes and labels, and their effects on people

    Asians are bad drivers, Jews are greedy with their money, women belong in the kitchen, blondes are stupid, pink is for girls . Our company has expanded with more developments. In today's society, stereotypes and labels are part of our daily lives. It states how a person should act or live based on their gender, race, personality and other facts. This has been something of an epidemic since the dawn of time. These actions are not always considered true. Dramatic assumptions and accusations create stereotypes and their origins. We hear stereotypes every day and everywhere. They can be found on television, on billboards, on posters, in magazines and on the Internet. Sometimes we can find ourselves in situations where we can create stereotypes. People stereotype to generalize or categorize groups such as religions, beliefs and discriminate against people's race, gender and appearance. Stereotypes and labels contain an evaluation of the person. If we randomly selected 1,000 people around the world, none of them would have the same skin color, there would not be a single tie. The people who create them may not be aware of the danger they pose to society; this unfortunate event must be avoided. The problem with society is that we cannot accept that we are all different. There are times when we are not open minded to meet new people or go out, it is because we have to impose our own rules in this world. Stereotypes and labels can be seen as encouraging but in a demeaning and hurtful way. Stereotypes have a huge impact on how we feel and act. This leads us to have no motivation. Personally, I hate stereotypes. I don't like it when people think we should act a certain way. Throughout this essay, I will explain why stereotypes are demeaning and hurtful using the examples in the book and actually thinking about points. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get an original essay In particular, stereotypes can cause favoritism and prejudice, health problems and loss of self-confidence. Egghead demonstrates many clear examples of stereotyping and labeling. The first point to consider is favoritism and prejudice. Favoritism and bias have a pervasive and often pernicious influence on responses and, in some cases, can affect our behaviors and actions. Often these judgments can be wrong and lead to discrimination and persecution. We augment and influence others when we judge an individual based on our stereotypes. Prejudice usually begins with a stereotype which is a negative belief based on an individual or group of members. For example, a person who is prejudiced against an older person might believe that older people are slow and uncompetitive. But we cannot know every individual. Favoritism and prejudice can primarily concern one group of members, and this behavior is known as discrimination. Discrimination is a negative action against a person or group. As much as we try to deny it, favoritism is a disease we are all born with. Ever since we were little, we have been convinced that we favor certain things over others. But these then have aimpact on our future and our development. To prove it, a survey done at Salem High School showed that 80% of the questions asked of 260 students said that teachers showed their favorites through stereotypes. All students agreed that all the attention was on the football team. In a reported case at Kamehameha Schools in Hawaii, there was more of an issue of favoritism in the athlete disciplinary issue. An example of labeling in the novel Egghead is how Will was labeled as Egghead. Will is obsessed with books, is terrible at the gym, and loves wearing turtlenecks. Because of this, Devan and Shane tease him for everything he does and call him a geek and a nerd. This was because, during the book, Shane and Devan are Will's worst enemies. Every thing Will does or says, they tease him or offer a label or stereotypical response to put him down. This made Will constantly sad and lose confidence in himself. Egghead is a term for someone who loves books and enjoys reading. The second example in Egghead is when Will and Katie were labeled as Mr. and Mrs. during the dance. During the dance, everyone thought they were boyfriends and girlfriends and just referred to them as a married couple when they were clearly hanging out as friends. This is a bias of the text because they respond with a pernicious and pervasive response of saying that they are boyfriend and girlfriend, but that is not true. The last example was when Devan didn't want to talk about Shane and Brad because they were still friends. Even though Shane and Brad were rude, Devan preferred them over the others. To support this, Devan did not tell the teacher due to favoritism. Subsequently, the second reason I will argue is that stereotypes can affect our health, both physical and mental. They can cause depression and suicide. Stereotypes harm our emotions and mental thinking. If a person experiences verbal abuse such as stereotyping, it can lead to low self-esteem and confidence issues. If this problem persists for a long time, it can cause agoraphobia, depression, suicide and anxiety. Sometimes stereotyping can take the form of very dangerous and hurtful physical violence, which can lead to post-traumatic stress. It can also be a bad role model for others, we may encourage individuals to commit suicide and self-harm. For example, stereotypes would say that the Irish are always drunk. This is not always true. This stereotype would be based solely on their character and personality. Not all men and women drink and it is not true that the Irish drink. If an Irish person was passing by and a person said that the Irish drink, it can be very offensive and damaging to the victim who is confronted with it. It can also be embarrassing and cause others to do the same. When there is a group of people or a crowd, people take it as a joke and start calling others the same way. This can quickly cause the victim to experience anxiety, depression, and many other health problems and problems. People would start to feel rejected and hopeless. In the book Egghead, this was demonstrated with the example of when Will dared to ski down Devils Hill. Brad and Shane assumed Will would be a scaredy cat and refuse to go down the hill. They stereotyped him as a scaredy-cat and a coward. This challenge made Will wonder whether he should ski down Devil's Hill or cross it. If he refuses to ski down the slope, we will continue to call him a.