
  • Essay / Training: Everything You Need to Know

    Training is the process of providing the employee with the skills required to perform their job efficiently, competently and qualitatively. Employee training is not continuous, but it is periodic and delivered within specific time frames. Typically, training will be provided by an expert or professional in a related field or job. Training is required at every stage of the job and for every person on the job. To keep abreast of the rapidly changing technologies, concepts, values ​​and environment, training plays a vital role. Training programs are also necessary in any organization to improve the quality of work of employees at all levels. It is also required when a person is transferred from one assignment to another of a different nature. Given this background, this unit aims to provide an overview of the concept, needs and methods of training, as well as areas of training assessment, retraining and dimensions of organizational learning. Say no to plagiarism. Get a Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get an Original EssayTraining is a process of learning a sequence of programmed behaviors. It is the application of knowledge and gives people an awareness of the rules and procedures to guide their behavior. This helps bring about positive changes in the knowledge, skills and attitudes of employees. Training is an investment in getting more and better work from your talent. Thus, training is a process that attempts to improve skills or add to the existing level of knowledge so that the employee is better equipped to perform his current job or to shape him so that he is fit for more work high implying higher responsibilities. It bridges the gap between what the employee has and what the job requires. Since training involves time, effort and money on the part of an organization, therefore an organization must be very careful while designing a training program. The training objectives and needs must be clearly identified and the method or type of training must be chosen based on the established needs and objectives. Once this is done accurately, an organization should collect feedback from trainees on the training program in the form of a structured questionnaire in order to know whether the amount and time invested in training has turned into an investment or if it is a total expense for an organization. Recurrent training is training scheduled at periodic intervals to keep employee skills at peak levels. Recurrent training often takes place in certain industries, such as healthcare and aviation, where human safety is involved. Recurrent training may be outsourced, provided by a guest instructor, or carried out by instructors from a company training department. Definition of Training: Training is the process by which the efficiency of employees increases and develops. This is specialized knowledge required to perform a specific job. It has been defined by different management specialists. Here are some important definitions of training: In the words of Dale S. Beach, “Training is the organized procedure by which people acquire knowledge and improve their skills for a defined purpose.” In the words of Michael J. Jucius, “Training is a process by which the skills, competencies and abilities of employees areperforming specific tasks are improved.” According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Training is the act of increasing an employee's knowledge and skills to perform a particular job.” In the words of Dale Yoder, “Training is the process by which the workforce is equipped for the particular job it is to perform. » In simple terms, giving the employee the ability to perform a specific job is called training. The knowledge and skills needed to perform a specific job in a specific way are called training. At all levels of the organization, training and development programs are necessary in order to qualitatively improve the work of employees. Employee training is divided into on-the-job training and off-the-job training methods having different sub-methods of training provided for different purposes to different types of employees holding or expected to hold different jobs. In India, NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation) offers a one-year training program to its new employees, off-the-job classroom training for a period of six months and on-the-job training through 'a job. rotation method for the remaining six months. The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in India provides on-the-job training to its new employees through live case studies, followed by an onboarding program. Meaning of Training: “Training is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee's skills. ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee's attitude or increasing their skills and knowledge. » Need for training: Training is essential because technology is continually developing and at a rapid pace. Systems and practices quickly become obsolete due to new technological discoveries, particularly on technical, managerial and behavioral aspects. Organizations that do not develop mechanisms to catch up and utilize growing technology quickly become obsolete. However, the development of individuals within the organization can contribute to its effectiveness. There are also other reasons why this training becomes necessary. Different factors are explained below, giving rise to the need for training. Employing inexperienced and new workers requires detailed instructions for effective job performance. People should not work, but work efficiently with minimum supervision, minimum cost, waste and spoilage, and to produce quality goods and services. The increasing use of rapidly changing techniques in production and other operations requires training of operators in newer methods. Older employees need refresher training to keep them up to date with changing techniques and the use of sophisticated tools and equipment. Training is necessary when a person must move from one job to another due to a transfer, promotion or demotion. Benefits of Training: As the business world is constantly changing and dynamic, organizations will need to provide training to their employees throughout their careers. If they don't provide continuing education, they will struggle to stay ahead of the competition. The other benefit of training is that it will keep employees motivated. New skills and knowledge can help reduce or minimize boredom. It also demonstrates to the employee that they are valuable enough for the employer to invest in them.