
  • Essay / The Cold War Connected to Today - 1157

    The Cold War Connected to TodayThe Cold War changed the outcome of the United States today. How would life be different today if the Cold War had not happened? If the Soviet Union hadn't launched Sputnik, if the Cuban Missile Crisis hadn't happened, if the United States hadn't supported the Mujahideen? The Cold War was a difficult but evolving period in American history, without which we may not have had 9/11, the technology we know today, and would not have had the tensions that we have with Cuba. On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union changed history. and launched Sputnik I, the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth. After the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the United States began to worry that it was falling behind. In retaliation for concerns that the United States was not the most advanced and imperial nation, the United States created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to advance space knowledge. It also passed the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) which encourages the study of mathematics, science and foreign languages ​​with government funds. After Sputnik was launched into space, the “space race” had begun, a race to the moon that John Kennedy had made a priority. This would restore the national pride and confidence that many people had lost when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, which was winning when the space race was declared. In the fifty-seven years since the launch of Sputnik I, many advances have been made in satellite technology. Many things that we wouldn't necessarily be able to relate to space can actually only work with satellites in space. Without these satellites, there would be no cell phones, satellite television, GPS to help planes, just like those...... middle of paper...... of the United States. The Cold War had both its benefits and its advantages. obstruction; The United States is not the only one to have been transformed by the Cold War. The launch of Sputnik had an advantage because it led to a technological revolution. There was obstruction from the Cuban Missile Crisis and US support for the Mujahideen. The Cuban Missile Crisis has caused conflict to this day, but we hope that the two nations can come together to find a solution. America is still in conflict with Afghanistan because of the suffering inflicted on our country by killing thousands of innocent American citizens. The ideal world would see all countries prospering with each other, but this will never happen due to the unquenchable desire to be the best. If the Cold War had never happened, the United States and other countries would not be the same countries they are today..