
  • Essay / A brief overview of the Comoros archipelago - 951

    According to Islamic mythology, a “jinn” meaning spirit in Arabic dropped a jewel into the sea, producing a volcano which erupted, forming today today the Comoros Islands. It is suspected that Phoenician sailors were the first to visit the Comoros due to their excessive travel, especially from ports on the Mediterranean Sea (1). They headed to the North Atlantic Ocean, circumnavigating the entire African continent, making one of many stops in Mayotte, Comoros. The country's first inhabitants were also Melanesian or Polynesian sailors from the 5th to 6th centuries. Archaeologists have found traces of these sailors in Nzwani, which is part of the archipelago of islands which today form the Comoros. The islanders sent emissaries to Mecca after hearing about Islam in the 7th century. Even though the Prophet Muhammad died before the delegates arrived, conversion to the new religion was already beginning. The Arab Shirazi clan was credited on the islands for building mosques between the 15th and 16th centuries. A civilization was developing and in 1505 the Portuguese decided to start their version of colonialism. The British and French followed in the same footsteps throughout the 19th century, as Nzwani became a major supply hub for European opportunists. The French eventually succeeded in applying their surgical "divide and conquer" methods and tactics, and by the end of World War II, France had full control of the Comoros Islands and was represented by its own French legislature. The independence of the Comoros from France happened slowly and quietly and when offered a vote for change, the three islands were granted autonomous rule with the exception of Mayotte due to the abstention of its deputies during a vote in favor of a pro-French regime. Thus, as mentioned above, Mayotte is under ...... middle of paper ...... ver 136,000. The last battle fought by the Comoros defense forces took place on the island of 'Anjouwan at the end of March 2008. The leader of Anjaouwan, Mohammed Bacar, refused to leave his command (5). Comoros Defense Forces, with the help of African Union troops, recaptured the capital, Mutsamudu, restoring stability. Today, Comoros' future remains bleak due to its poor economy and high unemployment rate. The only promising aspect of its economy is its agriculture and its resilience to tourism. Another enriching note is his sharing of power in matters of equality in women's rights and obedience to the government towards France, notably with his municipality of Mayotte. With more influential councils across France, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, Comoros will likely continue to make progress in the face of adversity, whether economically, socially or in government security matters..