
  • Essay / Student Dress Code Debate - 883

    Schools have recently found themselves in a student dress code debate. Every year, more and more schools require their students to wear a uniform instead of regular clothes. School officials find that allowing students to wear whatever they want causes distractions as well as conflict. In addition to educators' concerns, some parents are finding that the cost of back-to-school clothing is becoming too high. All schools should require students to wear a uniform because it costs less and causes less conflict and distraction among students. Social status plays an important role in the lives of young people. The type of clothes children wear to school can sometimes determine their social status. Children from families who don't have a lot of money often have to wear cheaper, less fashionable clothes. Students often view those who wear less fashionable clothing as poor and therefore lower class. When students wear uniforms, there is no way of knowing who is rich and who is not. If students can't say who is richest, everyone will feel equal. Conflict between students will decrease if all students in the school feel equal to each other. Some people believe that uniforms will not change social status at school, because students will simply find other ways to determine the status of others. Although some students may use other factors to determine their social status, most will not. The reason why most students do not use other criteria to determine their social status is simple. People in today's society tend to make judgments based on visual factors. There are no other visual factors that students can judge other than clothing. Claiming that uniforms won't change social status because... middle of paper...... look. School uniforms also reduce the distractions that flashy clothing can cause. Students who are less distracted and more focused tend to perform better academically. Education is one of the most important things in a child's life. Children go to school not only to learn things academically but also socially. Educators take responsibility for providing a safe and equal place for students to learn these skills. In times of economic hardship, it is also important to ensure that all children have the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their family's financial situation. Adults must respect certain rules, just like young people. Providing an equal learning environment for all students sometimes requires establishing strict rules for everyone. All schools should require students to wear uniforms because they are less expensive and cause less conflict and distraction among students..