
  • Essay / Characteristics of Sociological Jurisprudence and Its Definition

    To know whether the sociological and economic goals of the country have been achieved in the last 25 years, we must first know about sociological jurisprudence. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Law is considered as a social fact or reality to form and change society to meet its needs, expectations and goals through law in the sociological approach. The supreme concern of law is to consider the relationship between law and society and the study of community and social phenomena, group or individual interests and their realization and realization. Most lawyers will define law in its relationship to society in terms of the ends that law serves, the interests it satisfies, and the common good it seeks to achieve. If the law is conceived as an implementation of control and social change. in society, they are then combined as jurists belonging to the sociological school of jurisprudence. Sociological jurisprudence is nothing but a functional study of law which is applied to existing social problems in order to make law an effective instrument of social control to match the conflicting interests of individuals in society. Law has broader suggestions and also includes judicial decisions and administrative processes used for the unification of the competing interests of the people. It is for this reason that sociological jurisprudence has also been called functional jurisprudence or jurisprudence of interests or social engineering jurisprudence. The characteristics of sociological jurisprudence are as follows: Sociological lawyers are more interested in the functioning of law than in the nature of law. law. They viewed law as the reliable source for making judicial and administrative decisions and processes rather than as the theoretical content of reliable precepts. Law is considered a social institution by social lawyers because they believe that law can be deliberately made and can also be changed. , modified or retained at any time or based on experience. In other words, it synthesizes both the analytical and historical approach to the study of law. Sociological lawyers emphasize the purposes, objectives, and social expectations that the law serves rather than the sanctions and coercive nature of the law. Sociological lawyers examine the legal aspects. institutions, doctrines and precepts functionally and considers the form of legal precepts as a matter of means only to satisfy the greatest good of the greatest number. The main objective of sociological jurisprudence is to solve the immediate problems of society with tools such as legal or extra-legal instruments. & techniques that promote agreement and stability of society's interests. Furthermore, the training of sociological jurists also rejected analytical and historical jurisprudence because the concept of jurisprudence considers law as an instrument serving individuals in society. I think that the sociological and economic objectives of the country are being realized and that most of the objectives have been achieved in the last 25 years through sociological jurisprudence. India is currently passing new laws and the perspective of law itself has changed. In our country, the main objective of law is to take into account the needs of society as well as the interests of the individual. The law is developed based on..