
  • Essay / Does birth order significantly affect people's personalities and traits?

    Does birth order significantly affect people's personalities and traits? Where a person is classified in their birth order will determine the type of traits they will have. As a person matures, their traits develop and are influenced by factors related to their birth order. For example, firstborns tend to develop leadership qualities because they are leaders within their household. The proper numerical order of birth tends to be firstborn, sometimes secondborn, middle child, and lastborn. Some families have only one child and are known as the only child. Each child's characteristics develop as he grows. Firstborns are the oldest and usually most advanced siblings because they have more life experience than their younger siblings. Firstborns tend to be leaders because they have leadership qualities. Firstborns and only children have completely different personalities. The firstborn would be most likely to take on a management position as he or she possesses leadership qualities. They are reliable, conscientious, structured, controlling, efficient, diligent and want to be the best at everything. They often have an intense fear of failure, so nothing they accomplish is good enough. Since they want to be the best at everything, firstborns feel stressed and pressured and don't like to step out of their comfort zone. The first child gets the most attention, most of the time, because many parents spend more time explaining things to them than to their other children. According to, oldest children enjoy about 3,000 more hours of quality time with their parents between the ages of 4 and 13 than the next sibling. Since they spend more time with their parents, they tend to be the most intelligent of all their leaders. Birth order has a lot to do with people's personality and traits. . Where a person is classified in their birth order will determine the type of traits they will have. Not every child will always have the traits described. These traits did not appear out of thin air. The child had to mature and develop and eventually develop different characteristics. Children may have some of the same characteristics, but for the most part, each child will have different characteristics. This is the conclusion of the article about birth order and how it can determine what characteristics people will have. Works Cited “Birth order and personality.” Parents review. Np, and Web. April 22, 2014. “Order of birth.” Np, May 2010. Web. April 17, 2014. “Understanding the Power of Birth Order.” » Np, and Web. April 22. 2014.