
  • Essay / The Odyssey - 964

    I have seen many interactions, both indirect and direct, between humans and gods in literature like Hesiod, the Odyssey, and the Homeric Hymns, and I would be sure to suppose that petty quarrels and revenge against humans constitute a pastime for the Greek gods. Yet humans are no better which is why my essay will argue that the interaction between gods is negative for humans and we see this demonstrated when humans interact with gods, how gods interact with humans and how the gods can act on them. their own personal motivations. Although the gods are clearly more powerful than humans, the relationship between the two is not as one-sided as one might think. Humans have the ability to influence the gods through sacrifice and are capable of creating their own destiny, as well as that of humanity, for better or worse. First, there is direct contact between the mortal, Paris, and the goddesses, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. This would be an example of the human condition where humans are competitive and selfish. Although the human condition was amplified to the extreme when the choice of Paris triggered the Trojan War, which resulted in the fall of Troy (lecture, February 17). Second, the Greeks specifically have influence when it comes to which Greek God they sacrifice to. Poseidon complains to Zeus and speaks of his embarrassment at the fact that mortals are no longer under his wrath or its consequences since Odysseus was able to return home safely. (Odyssey 13.142-50) Poseidon then turns the boat into stone, showing that humans are not rewarded for interfering with other gods. e Although the Phaceacians acted as they should in offering hospitality to Odysseus, they are still brutally punished because a god was offended. Finally, ...... middle of article ...... in mythology like The Odyssey, Homeric Hymns and Theogony is that the gods are seen as evil and unstable towards people who revere them. Homer described the gods as powerful beings with negative attributes who harm people if they do not appease the immortals. So, did the Greeks of this era simply worship the gods to avoid harm and repercussions? People seemed so focused on appeasing the gods that they weren't following their own path in life. Ordinary people make mistakes and with the moderation of immortals, the entire race could almost be wiped out for having a bad reaction in the presence of a god. Whether through direct contact or indirect effects of an immortal on a mortal, interaction with the gods can have positive effects for humans, but overall the gods can react in a different way. excessive attention to trivial things, thus canceling out the positive effects..