
  • Essay / Housing First as the Solution to Homelessness in America

    There are so many people in the world; people will never know; some are poor, some are rich, some sleep in beds, some sleep on the floor. Everyone deserves to live in good conditions, whether you know them or not. There are solutions to maintain homelessness, such as shelters and temporary accommodation, but I think this is not enough because people are still sleeping rough. I know we can do better, I believe our country can end homelessness by prioritizing housing. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay When I was in middle school, my friend told me that she and her family were homeless. I didn't know what to think, I just felt heartbroken for her because I couldn't do anything. But I was so naive because I never imagined that children could also end up homeless. I always thought there were only men and women. “51 percent of homeless youth are homeless – sleeping outside, in a car or in a place not intended for human habitation.” The main causes of youth homelessness are family conflicts, domestic violence, poverty and lack of affordable housing. Single adults find themselves homeless due to unaffordable housing, unemployment, domestic violence, low wages and poverty. Some health problems resulting from being homeless are skin disorders and malnutrition. parasitic infestations, dental diseases, venereal diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction. People also become homeless because they have already had a health problem such as mental illness, AIDS, alcoholism, drug addiction, disabling health conditions, and health care costs. When I was visiting my friend in San Francisco, she told me that her school was going to the beach once. a year to clean the beach and collect hyperthermic needles. “That at least one infectious disease expert has compared the city to some of the dirtiest slums in the world. As well as 100 drug syringes and over 300 piles of feces throughout the city center. San Francisco has a cleanup program that pays people to pick up feces. If we ended homelessness, San Francisco wouldn't have to spend so much money on cleaning. Slowly investing money into housing for the homeless would be a better investment and it would slowly reduce hyperthermia needles, trash and feces on the streets. “Using the $450,000 unit cost of Bay Area housing, the report estimates it would cost $12.7. billion to end homelessness with current methods of construction and service delivery. “Housing First is a proven solution to reducing homelessness rates and eventually ending homelessness. Housing First is a permanent supportive housing solution. Place homeless people directly into housing even if they suffer from mental illness or have a substance abuse problem or serious health problem. Once settled into housing, they will be connected with support services to help them overcome their problems and stabilize. Which can possibly improve their lives. » Research studies have shown that the majority of homeless people who have been moved to “housing first” remain in stable housing and experience improvements in their health. The “Housing First” approach is much less expensive than urgent care and care.