
  • Essay / MIT Architecture Program - 1342

    In 2013, Architect Magazine ranked MIT's architecture program #2 among graduate schools in the United States. While building its prestigious reputation in architecture, MIT has attempted to inspire its students to be creative and imaginative in their projects through the unique buildings they have on campus. The Stata Center, a university complex designed by Frank Gehry, originally attracted a lot of attention because of its original appearance. Critics said it was a good act of self-expression and that its complex design well represented the intellectual capacity of the scientists who would work on it. Likewise, Simmons Hall—a residence hall designed by Steven Holl—ultimately allowed the entire freshman class to live on campus, something MIT desperately needed. These buildings, among many others on the MIT campus, are built precisely to inspire their architecture students. As MIT professor Thomas P. Hughes has pointed out, MIT celebrates its buildings as “expressions of the inventiveness, energy, and excellence of the people who make them up.” However, it appears that the buildings were built purely based on their appearance, as they proved to be neither efficient nor cheap. These two buildings caused so many problems that they did not prove to be a good representation of the innovative spirit of MIT. Even though the buildings' appearance represents cutting-edge architecture, they still result in additional construction time, inefficient costs, and experiential and structural dysfunctions. Construction of Simmons Hall and the Stata Center took much longer than expected. It's a shame for MIT school of architecture, because they are not playing a good role... middle of paper ... their school of architecture has always tried to inspire their students to be innovative at through their buildings on campus. . Since their beginnings, they have filled their campus with Cambridge's most creative buildings. They constructed imaginative and idealistic buildings in hopes of inspiring their students to become visionary architects. However, over the years, they lost their spark of innovation and instead created buildings that proved not only too expensive, but also non-functional. In doing so, they tarnished MIT's intellectual reputation, as many critics pointed out the failings of these buildings towards the intellect of MIT students. If MIT plans to maintain its prestigious reputation, it should focus on teaching its students to create buildings that meet their goals, and not focus too much on their visual aspects..