
  • Essay / Understanding Water Through Photography: Edward Burtynsky

    Edward Burtynsky's evocative collection, Water, was intended to explore both the natural conditions of water on our planet and the human uses to which it is put it was destined. (Meyers 2013.) The series of photographs in Water shows us new perspectives through which we can observe human impact. Burtynsky frames his composition so uniquely and intentionally that in a single photograph he is able to awaken the viewer's sensibilities, and with a single collection of photographs he can initiate a conversation around the thoughtless actions we perform among or against the waters and wonders of our land. "I wanted to understand water: what it is and what it leaves behind when we leave. I wanted to understand our use and misuse. I wanted to trace the evidence of global thirst and threatened sources. Water is part of a pattern that I have observed unfolding throughout my career. I document landscapes that, whether considered beautiful or monstrous, or some strange combination of the two, clearly are not. not perspectives of an inexhaustible and sustainable world (Burtynsky.) Water is the concept at the center of all the photographs in the series and yet, ironically, it is often absent, invisible or secondary. Water is the conversation. that we're supposed to have, but after watching this series it's obvious that dilemmas and often devastation are the real subject here Burtynsky is sure to include frames that allow us to marvel at the scope of water. , its power and its central place in our lives and at the same time it is capable of making water a victim of the crimes of the human sciences, of the spectator and of clay in the hand of the potter. . Burtynsky gives water a place and a personality in these photographs that no author before him or after has perfected. Perfection and p...... middle of paper ...... huge and far-reaching population. They are both most sensitive to environmental changes and water devastation and equally strongly responsible for these changes. Underdeveloped countries are also among the most deregulated manufacturing sectors in the world. …. STAT here. Although on a somewhat smaller scale compared to the perspectives of other series, Manikarnika Ghat serves a more specific purpose, we feel closer to the source. Source of water and source of troubles, humans are in the foreground and Burtynsky takes care to include them in the foreground, and not just at a distance. Without appearing to do so, he invites the viewer to consider the vulnerabilities and limits of the earth and with such gentleness. reaches the hearts and heads of art lovers and art novices alike, engaging and stimulating conversation without ever setting a scene or uttering a word..