
  • Essay / The causes and effects of Alzheimer's disease - 1502

    Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia; this affects memory and the ability to complete daily tasks. In 1906, Alzheimer's disease was founded by a German physician, Dr. Alois Alzheimer. He had a patient who had experienced significant memory loss, but didn't know why. In and around the brain's nerve cell, by studying the patient's autopsy, he was able to differentiate the deposits that led to the nerve cells and compare them to normal brain nerve cells. Dr. Alzheimer's touched many lives through his discoveries about Alzheimer's disease. A German psychiatrist, Emil Kraepelin, had worked with Dr. Alzheimer and gave his name to this disease. In 1968, researchers and doctors began to see an increase in the number of diagnoses of this disease among older people. An incurable disease, Alzheimer's disease affects many elderly people and their families. it is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States (“About Alzheimer’s Disease”). Many researchers and scientists have tried to find out the causes of this disease and found that it is related to neurological functions of the brain or genetics. Alzheimer's disease is divided into two categories: risk genes and deterministic genes. Risk genes occur when one can develop the disease, but it is not certain that this will happen. There is a gene that has been identified in the risk gene category called APOE-e4, this is the most common gene in people with Alzheimer's disease (Atkins 45). The other category is called deterministic genes and is the cause of disease. If a family member has this disease, it increases the chances of developing the disease. According to the Alzheimer's Association, "deterministic genes, estimated to account for less than 5 percent of Alzheimer's...... middle of paper ...... patients suffering from abuse, d Aggression, hostility and lack of cooperation can use olanzapine, quetiapine, risperdone and siprasidone. All of these medications should be used with extreme caution (“About Alzheimer’s Disease”). Alzheimer's disease is a rapidly growing disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Since the discovery of Alzheimer's disease in 1906 until today, technology has improved in finding details in the brain and nerve cells. Research centers and doctors are working together to find the cure and other treatments to relieve symptoms. It is depressing to see these seniors not being able to remember their own family and experiencing all the pain that this disease causes. This affects not only the patient but also the caregivers and/or family around them. It is important to raise awareness about this disease so that more research can be done to help find a cure..