
  • Essay / Expatriate Case Study - 1463

    ExpatriatesThe main difference between traditional human resource management and international human resource management (IHRM) is that part of the staff is moved from one country to another on an international scale. These employees who have crossed national borders are called expatriates (Dowling & Welch, 2005). Expatriates can either work for the organization already in their home country or be recruited from outside. Their missions assigned by organization may vary in length and objective. The duration of missions that require their relocation to other countries also varies from short visits of a few days or weeks to longer durations of several months or years. The cost of using expatriates is high; that is why the organization selected and developed an expatriate carefully. Additionally, organizations also provide effective pre-departure training, which is essential in helping expats adapt to a new culture and job title. However, expatriates struggle to survive when faced with the demands of an overseas assignment, with a different culture, new business relationships, and ethical standards that may vary from home country (Delios, Beamish, and Lu , 2010). Selecting the right expatriates is essentially important because the selection process is expensive. The selection can be made internally, externally or both. For management positions, the organization generally selects internally. To select internally, the selection process can be open to all employees in the organization or from among the selected best employees. On the other hand, external selection can be outsourced to provide more objectivity. The selection of employees as expatriates can be done in different ways. Expatriate employees or candidates can be interviewed either formally or on paper with multinational companies in Poland. International Conference on Management, Knowledge and Learning 2013, 1147-1155.Tayeb, MH (2005). International human resource management: a multinational enterprise perspective. New York: Oxford University Press Inc. Tiwari, P. and Saxena, K. (2012). Human resource management practices: a comprehensive review. Pakistan Business Review, (January 2012), 669-705. Twarowska, K. and Kakol, M. (2013). Reasons for international business strategy and forms of expansion in foreign markets. In International Conference on Management, Knowledge and Learning 2013 (pp. 1005-1011). Zadar, Croatia. Weyzig, F. (2004). GlaxoSmithKline Company Profile. Amsterdam. Zhang, Y., Dolan, S., Lingham, T. and Altman, Y. (2009). International strategic human resources management: a comparative case analysis of Spanish companies in China. Management and organization review, 5(2), 195–222.