
  • Essay / Comparison and Contrast of “Stranger Things” and “Frankenstein”

    Today, the representation of gothic, horror and suspense is becoming more vivid and realistic. The public is more critical of how the movements can capture the real events that happened, how they can relate to the emotion of the texts. Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein" and the Duffer brothers' television series "Stranger Things" exploit the elements of fear through allusions, symbolism and characterization. They have completely different themes and goals. This article will explain how these two texts are similar and how they differ. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Stranger Things and Frankenstein use allusions to refer to certain parts of the texts, with emphasis on both. An example of this is in Stranger Things when he alludes to the events of Victor Frankenstein's monster. Frankenstein's monster was sitting by a lake surrounded by trees. He stared at his reflection in a pool of water in horror as he realized that he was not a creature loved by many, but a monster who would soon do terrible things because of the neglect inflicted on him. He thought he would never know happiness now. When Victor Frankenstein created his monster and brought it to life, Frankenstein - being the curious young scientist that he is - decided to bring something back to life using electricity. He created a creature that, to Victor Frankenstein, appeared so hideous and disgusting that he could not look it in the eye. " I don't know ; despair had not yet invaded me; my feelings were those of rage and revenge. » Shelley meant this by the fact that Frankenstein neglected his creation and abandoned it like it was nothing because of the looks. I'm sure some could relate to the feeling of being abandoned and neglected, everyone has felt it once. This caused the monster to plan revenge against its creator. A similar scenario to the one in the forest had occurred in Stranger Things, when Eleven walked towards the lake and looked at her reflection, displeased and upset by what she thought was a monster. looking at her. Both creatures had been neglected by their owners/creators. In Stranger Things Eleven, a very similar event happened. Her mother was part of an experiment and had no idea she was pregnant. The government abducted Eleven, birth name: Jane Ives, at birth and tested her because she was born with telekinesis thanks to Project MK. Dr. Martin Brenner had become the creator of the monster Elevens. The use of manipulation gained trust and bond between the two, which quickly withered when she was neglected by Dr. Brenner (she called him "Daddy"). This causes Eleven to flee the Hawkins laboratory in hopes of escaping. It's not about a romantic relationship between the two, but rather a test subject who can't leave, so Brenner must try to get her back. Since Eleven ends up hurting people and making bad choices (i.e. pitting her friends against each other) because of how she was raised, like a test dummy. The carelessness and emotionless viewpoints of these two texts exude feelings that some of us can relate to. choose to hide and hope they never resurface. These allusions express how creations must be loved and handled with care so as not to become monsters. Having children and neglecting them, not giving them enoughattention, or even ignoring them, can make your child grow up in two ways: a successful person with the manners and mindset to be something they never had growing up; a good parent. Or they might become disgusting, abusive, neglectful people who treat their future children the same way you treated yours. These two texts “Frankenstein” and “Stranger Things” both explain why neglecting your creations can be for the worse. Frankenstein and Stranger Things use symbolism to represent certain characteristics and elements. An example of this is Frankenstein's use of fire and light. Its symbolic objective is to represent nature. Light is linked to themes of knowledge as illumination. Darkness symbolizes ignorance, while the sun symbolizes truth. As it has gothic characteristics, it shows us, the audience, how carefree Frankenstein's life can be. Fire is used as both a source of comfort and danger, the monster quickly discovered this when he sat near a fire, the heat enveloping him, but its touch burned him, moving his hand back. Shelley also demonstrates light as a symbol in the early pages. This is seen when, in one of the letters, Walton writes to her sister that she will go to a place "where the sun is visible forever." Shelley then continues with Frankenstein as he experiments with light; “so brilliant and wonderful” which then goes very wrong. “driving them into the dark side of mind control, like the White Rabbit did to Alice with the Hourglass.” Stranger Things uses symbolism in the way it is scattered throughout the first season. An example of these symbolic characteristics is the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. A painting of the White Rabbit was placed on the wall of Eleven's intentional bedroom - she was never able to live inside those walls - and its symbolic meaning was the world of mind control. Managers of the MK (Montauk) project (development of mind control techniques) attracted people; using them as test dummies and training them into the dark side of mind control, like the White Rabbit did to Alice with the used hourglass. “I know you're experimenting on little kidnapped children whose parents' brains you've turned to mush. And I know you went a little too far this time,” Hawkins Police Chief Jim Hopper tells Officer Frazier while he is being held in an interrogation room with Joyce Byers. In these two textual connections, they display a characterization between the two monsters. The monster is a lonely creature searching for love and appreciation that never comes. Some say the monster is based on the life of Frankenstein and what he went through. Representing how he felt inside, how he made bad decisions. Shelley wanted us to know that playing God was a bad idea, and that these were the consequences. Although the monster had good intentions, its results were evil and vile. The monster had said to Frankenstein “Be careful; for I am fearless, and therefore mighty,” to show that if he did not follow through on the monster’s wishes, he could lose everything he had sacrificed. Due to Frankenstein's consequence of using science to thoroughly investigate the release of dark side elements, he had created an enemy, a creature feared by all. This was a warning given by Shelley to let the reader know that meddling with nature itself is not part of nature and can end in tragedy. Just like his family and friends.