
  • Essay / Fast food is bad for humans and other living things

    “Takeaway!” » the shimmering windows of many fast-food restaurants of the new 21st century. “It’s really comfortable and it saves time,” my former neighbor whispers to me secretly. “Today is my birthday!” Let's go to McDonalds and order some cheeseburgers and fries! » – My niece screams with joy in my face. Finally, a very large hamburger appears on the TV screen during a commercial and looks juicy with fresh green salads, forcing all of us to go hungry. However, fast food restaurants not only serve foods devoid of vitamins and non-nutritive value, but are also responsible for the extinction of species, reduction of biodiversity, deterioration of human health and risk of lack natural sources of food and medicine, which can lead to the extinction of humanity. So, eat more different foods and say “No!” » to fast food, may be the solution to staying healthier, living longer while preserving biodiversity, natural food resources and medicines for our future generations. Even if we try to simplify our lives by eating faster, but our own body needs biodiversity, otherwise they respond negatively to us. To produce fries or crisps, we mainly use red potatoes; However, it is possible to use more types of potatoes, each of which contains different nutritional elements that positively affect metabolism. It seems that our ancestors ate in more different ways and that today man simplifies his life, without taking into account his health. Regarding food and health, throughout history it is estimated that humans have used more than 10,000 species of edible plants, but today barely 150 are cultivated for food human. Most people only live on 12 species. Doctors recommend a wider variety of foods for good health (Hiramoto 35-37). It would appear that not only hum...... middle of paper ......on aflatoxin B1 in corn and barley as a quality assessment analysis. "Food Chemistry 113.2 (March 15, 2008): 629-634. Hiramoto, Meriel." Asahi Evening News. "Diversity in diet helps preserve species. " High intermediate reading of Global Oulook. Ed. Brenda Bushell and Brenda Dyer New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. 35-37. Raloff, Janet “Americans eat faster and more." -382. ROSENTHAL, ELISABETH. "The fast food hits the Mediterranean; a dieter succumbs." New York Times (September 24, 2008). Rydell, Sarah A., et al. "Why Eat at Fast Food Restaurants: Reasons Reported Among Frequent Eaters." Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108.12 (Dec . 2008): 2066-2070Sass, Cynthia A. “The worst diet for your heart.” Prevention 60.4 (April 2008): 78-78. “Climate change and your health.” Australian Nursing Journal 4.3 (September).).. 1996): 20-23.