
  • Essay / kuykuy` - 877

    Modern India, since its creation in 1947 after decolonization by the British, has always had a major role to play in world politics, being the seventh largest country in the world and the second most populous country in the world. India has always been rich in natural resources. Riddled with rivers and fertile plains, it has been one of the centers of world civilizations, being the cradle of the Indus Valley Civilization, the first great civilization of South Asia and has always been the one of the main centers of research and development. in the world. After its liberation from the British Empire in 1947, India first faced the crisis of the Cold War, which began in the aftermath of World War II. The Indian Prime Minister at the time, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, chose to remain neutral and therefore launched the Non-Aligned Movement, with Josip Tito of Yugoslavia and Abdel Nasser of Egypt, thus refusing to ally with either the Western bloc led by the United States, or with the USSR led the Eastern bloc in 1961. This created an image of neutral India in the world, and the country maintained good relations with the States -United States and the USSR, and leaving aside occasional diplomatic divisions, relations between India and these two countries have improved. The countries have been cordial at first glance, although the diplomatic reasons for this may be different for each country. Over the years, India has experienced wars with two of its neighbors: China and Pakistan, and in both cases it was due to attacks carried out by the two countries on India's borders. India has never started a war with any of its neighbors. During the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, India sent forces to the erstwhile East Pakistan to aid in the freedom struggle and played a central role in this relationship. India and Russia's views on terrorism are similar, that is, there is no justification and it must be fought, and they have collaborated on this issue. Such collaboration is to be expected as terrorism becomes a greater threat by the day. But the military relations that exist between India and Russia could have a negative impact on India. It is true that Russia has shared its military technology with India, with India being Russia's second largest military customer. However, some also claim that the military technology sold to Russia is obsolete. It is also of paramount importance for a country of India's stature to be militaristically independent, but unfortunately this is not the case. To improve its image as a democratic and self-sufficient nation, India should work to reduce its independence from Russia..