
  • Essay / Occultism in Dorian Gray - 2465

    This essay aims to examine the relationship between the Gothic and religion and/or occultism in the two texts The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and Dracula by Bram Stoker. First of all, it is important to highlight the definition of occultism. The word occult means the study of the supernatural. In The Picture of Dorian Grey, the occult and religion are key factors in the novel. The novel highlights the occult because of the supernatural powers given to paint and the unusual properties of paint. Dorian Gray itself doesn't age, but the painting does. A key element of the Gothic genre is the aesthetics which are mentioned in the novel throughout the novel, which is another factor worth mentioning. In the novel Dracula, the occult and religion are also key factors. The main focus of the novel is the existence of vampires, which is important to the occult because it is the element of the supernatural. Throughout the novel there are also references to religion from the beginning as the early chapters of the novel explain that there are religious symbols such as a crucifix and the church and cemeteries are also mentioned several times. times. The setting of Count Dracula's house is described as a mansion, a typical scene from a Gothic novel. The painting of Dorian Gray highlights the key element of aesthetics. Aesthetics is beauty or the appreciation of beauty. At the beginning of the novel, Oscar Wilde talks about the philosophy of aesthetics and praises beauty. As this is the beginning, it shows that aesthetics are a key factor in the novel. The novel is very closely linked to aesthetics as Dorian is interested in youth and a majority of his life is dedicated to beauty and this is perhaps potentially the reason why his life ends..... . middle of paper......the occult and religion are also key factors. The existence of vampires is important to occultism because they constitute an element of the supernatural. There are also references to religion early on as the early chapters of the text explain that there are religious symbols such as crucifixes and the church is also mentioned several times. The setting of Dracula's house is described as a mansion which is an archetypal scene for a gothic novel. In both novels it appears that the desire to be young and immortal is always linked to evil, for example with Dorian Gray he starts out as a good character and once he becomes obsessed with his youth he becomes evil. Along with Dracula, he is an immortal vampire and seeks to make other people become vampires as well, which shows that people are controlled against their own will and shows that Dracula is also evil..