
  • Essay / A critical evaluation of cognitive-behavioral therapy

    IntroductionThis essay aims to critically evaluate a therapeutic intervention in psychology, called cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). It begins by defining CBT and discussing the underlying principles and concepts of this approach. Some examples of treating psychological disorders using a CBT approach in children and adolescents will be presented, then we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this therapeutic intervention. The analysis will end with a conclusion regarding the use of such an approach. What is CBT? Modern CBT has been influenced by two major therapeutic approaches: first, “behavior therapy” as developed by Wolpe and others in the 1950s and 1960s; and second, "cognitive therapy", developed by AT Beck in the 1960s. According to Emery and Tracy (1987), CBT is "a series of strategies that relieve psychological suffering by correcting distorted and maladaptive thinking." The therapy is based on a theory of psychopathology that recognizes the reciprocal interrelationship between the cognitive, behavioral, somatic and emotional systems. Although CBT is often considered a unitary treatment, it is actually a diverse set of complex and subtle interventions that each need to be mastered and understood from a social learning perspective (Reinecke, Dattilio and Freeman, 2003). According to Graham (2005). ), CBT aims to change a patient's unhealthy behavior by examining the assumptions behind thought patterns (cognitive reconstruction) and also by using behavioral therapy techniques. In CBT, the therapist and patient work together to identify thoughts that may be causing distress, and the therapist uses behavioral therapy techniques to modify the resulting behavior. It aims to address certain core beliefs (schemas) of patients that lead to negative influences on their behavior and functioning (Rufer et al, 2000). CBT is the treatment option for some mental disorders, such as depression, dissociative identity disorder, eating. generalized anxiety disorders, hypochondriasis, insomnia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and panic disorder without agoraphobia (Clark, 1986). On the other hand, as Flannery-Schroeder and Kendall (2000) describe, CBT is an inappropriate treatment option for some patients. Patients with significant cognitive impairments (e.g. patients with head trauma or organic brain disease) and individuals who do not wish to take an active role in the therapy and treatment process are not desirable candidates.Principles of CBT:The cognitive principle: the core The idea of ​​the cognitive element of CBT is based on examining the different interpretations that people make of events (Graham, 2005). It basically points out that when two people react differently in a situation, it is because they feel and see the event differently and give it a different "meaning"..