
  • Essay / Analysis of Hardy's Writings - 549

    Similarly, Bathsheba from Far from the Madding Crowd is destined to suffer and lead a miserable life. Bathsheba Everdene visits her aunt and is seen by Gabriel Oak, a hardworking farmer. He falls in love with her and asks her to marry him but she declines his offer. Then Oak loses his sheep and becomes very poor. So he moved to Casterbridge in search of work. He arrives by chance at the start of a fire on Bathsheba's farm and puts it out. She offers to hire him as a shepherd and he accepts. In the meantime, she tries to attract Mr. William Boldwood but he is not interested in her and she comes to marry Sergeant Troy, a deceitful and inconsiderate husband. He wastes his money gambling. He loved Fanny Robin before marrying Bathsheba and he had the chance to see her again one day between Casterbridge and Weatherbury. He decides to go to her and help her but he finds her and her child dead. Desperate, he argues with Bathsheba and leaves for America. Thinking that she is now a widow, Bathsheba decides to marry Boldwood. However, Troy returns a...