
  • Essay / Teen Thoughts: Should Students Be Allowed to Listen to Music in Class

    Should Students Be Allowed to Listen to Music During School?Say No to Plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Some people may find that listening to music makes it difficult for them to concentrate, but for others it helps them concentrate, memorize, and stay on task. Many people say that music relieves stress by focusing on something else, like work. Music has been shown to help children with ADD/ADHD focus better on the work in front of them and keep their minds off distractions. Many children have family or social problems that can keep them up at night and listening to music. this can keep them from sleeping during the day, instead feeling the need to put their head down and take a quick nap. Teachers have problems with the use of iPods because they believe children use them to cheat and get answers from a friend more simply and easily. Statistics show that 79% of students/workers listen to music while doing their work to improve their productivity by staying focused on their work. Music plays to help you concentrate. Music keeps the environment you work in calmer, because if everyone is listening to music, they won't have time to talk to each other and create distractions. But that raises another problem: If students are so focused on their music, it will force them to work. become antisocial? Students say that listening to music gives them a common interest that they can talk about with others when, of course, they're not listening to their iPod. For people who can't forget the argument they had with their best friend the day before or family problems, music seems to be the perfect solution to their problems. Some people may view pencils as a distraction. Sources suggest that “they always have to be sharpened, children throw them away, they write inappropriate notes with them, they can use them to cheat, they prick themselves with them, they get pencil leads stuck in their fingers, they steal them, etc. » . entertains children as well as an iPod. Statistics show that? of workers in the United States listen to music while working to concentrate more effectively on what they are doing. Many officials have problems with students who may upload inappropriate media and may be shown on campus as a distraction. Some people say that the music they listen to helps them memorize. Many people, myself included, find it very easy to memorize the lyrics of a song because of the rhythm and rhyme and now students are taking advantage of this ability and using it to memorize anything they might learn. Authorities say children can try listening to music during important information in class or during lessons, but if there are certain restrictions on listening to music, such as turning off the music during lessons, while the teacher speaks or during tests, they may not be respected. If they are not respected, their actions should result in disciplinary consequences, just as any other broken rule should be justified. People suffering from depression listen to music to improve their mood. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get a personalized article from our expert writers now. Get a..