
  • Essay / The Invention of Twitter - 967

    A recent and popular social networking site called Twitter is quickly becoming a trend in today's generation. Twitter is “a free social messaging tool that allows people to stay connected through brief text message updates of up to 140 characters in length called tweets” (Twitter Dictionary). Tweets are seen publicly by everyone who follows them. These followers can like, comment, or retweet these tweets for their own followers to see. This process is an ongoing cycle that gives “everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers” (Twitter leadership team) on a global scale. Twitter was invented by Jack Dorsey, whose idea was to create a service that would distribute his text messages to all his friends/colleagues at the same time. “Twitter (the company) was founded by three main people: Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone” (Bellis, Mary “What is Twitter”), who introduced the public to Twttr, now known as from Twitter, in July 2006. Before A Family Discovers Twitter, each individual member had different ways of achieving what they wanted. For example, when the father wanted to read the news, he looked it up on their online websites or on television. However, he was working full time and didn't have time to keep up with the latest information. The mother, who is a teacher, stayed in touch with her students via email. Sometimes emails were not sent, or she answered several similar questions from her students, and at times she was not available to check emails. The son didn't always have time to watch his favorite TV shows or sports games due to his part-time job and extracurricular activities. He had to wait for reruns or for the show to be available on Netflix. The girl is a celebrity fanatic...... middle of paper...... to take less time. People can promote their talents or their business on Twitter. For example, new rappers, singers, or someone starting a clothing business can gain popularity through the number of followers they have. Large companies also promote their products through Twitter. More people of different age groups are aware of global issues than ever before thanks to continuous news updates. The use of Twitter also has some negative impacts. It can also give families less time to spend together, because individually they spend all their time on their phones tweeting or reading tweets. For most teenagers, this can also be the cause of lack of sleep or sleeping extremely late at night. Overall, I think Twitter has become an extremely effective and useful social networking site for people of all ages and from different parts of the world..