
  • Essay / Work Stress Essay - 666

    Work stress can be defined as the negative reaction of people to the environment and social life. There are different types of stress and their stressors that we face in our daily lives. A huge source of stress comes from work. This is caused by work and workload. Many employees experience stress at work, both physically and mentally. This is the cause of stress at work. This essay will discuss internal and external stress. First, internal stress comes from within us. In other words, stress harms us mentally and harms our body's ability to respond to it. Sekimoto (2008) suggests that internal stress is all around us. Signs of this stress can usually include feeling down, thinking about harmful things, sulking, crying for no reason, pessimism, and homesickness. Other reasons for internal stress are: The employee is unhappy with his job, workload, long working hours, lack of knowledge about the task at hand and unresolved interpersonal conflicts at work. For example: if an employee didn't do something well enough, the boss will defend him or have worse relationships with his colleagues because of it, leading to detrimental consequences for that employee. This is not good because he is experiencing internal stress due to this problem and maybe he will commit suicide. Additionally, external stress comes from outside our body. The reasons for this are pollution, our work, financial worries, being too busy, relationship difficulties, difficulties encountered, bad work environment, poor career development, problems at home and other external factors. All of these factors cause external stress in the workplace. Dervaux and Amor (2007), cited in Sekimoto (2008), state that one cause of external stressor is high sound location... middle of paper ...... oneself facing stress. After work, he should spend more time with his family than before, take advantage of his free time to do what he wants, have a peaceful mind, play with children who have good energy and who normally smile with fun. In conclusion, workers should balance their relaxation time. and working time, unless the employee can avoid stress. This will help us reduce the risk of stressing and forgetting about 21st century problems. Work stress is caused by work and workload. Employees suffer emotional and physical harm from workplace stress. There are two factors of workplace stress: internal and external. When you relax at home, forget about problems at work. This is the only time you have to relax and be at peace. Finally, stress always leads to a negative attitude and affects your health, so relax as long as you can..