
  • Essay / Why dropping out of college isn't as effective as it seems

    Approximately 130,000 college students drop out each year. There are many reasons to abandon the race, but also to resist and achieve the goal. It is estimated that 30% of university students leave their careers unfinished. These percentages are double those of the rest of European countries, with an average of 16%. The cost of abandonment is around 3 billion euros; the personal cost can also be very high. Most students who drop out of school do so not for one cause, but for several reasons. First year students also do not have the same motivations (or demotivations in this case) as the most advanced, those of certain diplomas than those of others, in a favorable or unfavorable socio-family situation, with a background of knowledge. or without them. In the first year, there are generally dropouts because the chosen career does not correspond to what was expected. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get an original essay For example, someone enrolls in information science because they imagined themselves doing sports interviews at the television, and when he sees that he has to study law, economics, history he goes down. This is why it is very important to know, in as much detail as possible, what the path will be that will lead to the dreamed goal. The chosen career also influences dropout. Humanities, which support a larger mass, have the highest dropout rates, followed by engineering. There are universities of very poor quality, which do not provide the necessary means for their students to continue to obtain the diploma to which they aspire. Before enrolling in college, students would do well to know their dropout rate and compare it with the rest. Educational factors are those that have the most weight in dropping out of studies, and which can lead to stopping the books in any course. Students feel lost in a university where the professors are obviously bad, never finish the topics, overload them with a lot of work and study at home, with little practice, lack of explanations, without offering help or advice. If in addition the institution does not give personalized treatment to the student, does not discuss with him to find out his concerns, does not collect his opinion on the courses or does not provide him with sufficient support, he deserves to drop out. Studying is hard work that requires several hours a day. You also need to spend time on weekends and holidays. And the worst, in the middle of spring, when it seems that the whole world is on the street, the weather is nice and everything is reborn, the university student has to face the most difficult exams. There are students whose level upon arriving at university is lower than what would be desirable and they feel incapable of hanging on to the car in which everyone else seems comfortably seated. A good university will cater to these students and even provide them with support to resist failure. It also happens that students go through stages of their development that lead them to change their minds. An 18 year old will probably not have the same aspirations as a 22 year old. Personality, relationships, personal development, the moment of evolution cause the objectives to change. We live in a dynamic world. What worked yesterday, today doesn't. Being competitive in the professional world is no longer based on a career, a master's degree and a diploma with honors. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get an article now.