
  • Essay / United States Policy - 703

    United States Policy As the United States strengthens border security measures for better protection against terrorist attacks, “we must do it through technology and "an appreciation of our trade-dependent communities along the border," said Asa Hutchinson, Undersecretary of Homeland Security. Speaking May 7 before the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America, Hutchinson outlined the elements of the Bush administration's strategy to eliminate terrorists and contraband materials while facilitating the flow of legitimate travelers and commerce across the U.S. border. The President's budget requests $8.7 billion for the. FY 2004 for development and humanitarian assistance administered by USAID It includes increases in basic education and agriculture, two priority areas for the administration. President Bush has proposed a new development deal that increases responsibility for rich and poor countries alike, linking greater contributions from developed countries to greater responsibility from developing countries. American imperialism, 1898-1917 The Great White Fleet on its globe-trotting cruises in 1906. TR sent the fleet to test the range and readiness of American warships and to impress other powers, notably Japan . After returning to the United States, the ships were painted a more professional battleship gray. Long-Term Causes of the Spanish-American War 1. The closing of the frontier (1890) and Frederick Jackson Turner's thesis that the frontier was responsible for democracy in America (1894). 2. Increased U.S. trade and production meant that foreign markets became more important. 3. The Pullman Depression and Railroad Strike (1893-94). Is the country heading towards a social revolution? 4. Foreign governments have raised the question of the paper machine environment: the problem and not the solution? America must defend itself and the government must certainly not become powerless to defend its people against foreign aggressors. Terrible crimes have been committed against the American people, and the perpetrators must be brought to justice as quickly as possible. But more government-sanctioned violence abroad is not the answer, because it will create more desperate enemies, even more willing to resort to violence as a last resort against a political oppressor they don't want. References http://www. http:/ /