
  • Essay / Friendship between mice and humans

    How does having a companion affect life? In terms of emotional stability, there is one thing that is necessary in life and that is friends. Throughout the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck reveals that "a man needs a man." Without friends, the people suffer from loneliness and solitude, as do most of the men on the ranch. George, smart but also weak, and Lennie, playful but strong, have a friendship that is more for their mutual benefit. They each build on each other’s strengths, which allows them to bring out the best in themselves. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay The Importance of Friendship in “Of Mice and Men” George and Lennie's friendship is the one that sets them apart. They stand out from all the other characters in the story because they have to look out for each other. When they arrive at the ranch, many are confused and perplexed as to why two men are traveling together and sharing a bond. “There aren't a lot of guys who travel together...I don't know why. Maybe everyone in this damn world is afraid of each other. »(17) During this period of the Great Depression, few people traveled together or had a companion like George and Lennie. This is why their partnership also confuses and surprises many men on the ranch. After everyone questioned George and Lennie, George told Slim the truth about their relationship. “We take care of each other. » (18) Their relationship is not only for Lennie's survival, but for their mutual benefits. George has a sharp mind and is able to help protect Lennie from the social mishaps and cruelties of the world, but he is very small and nervous. Lennie, on the other hand, is strong and, in many ways, just as responsible for George as George is. George tells Lennie to never fight, and as a result, Lennie is reluctant to defend himself or use his strength in a hurtful way. What one man lacks, the other makes up for, which allows George to use Lennie's strength to get them out of certain situations, and Lennie uses George's strengths to help him in everyday life. On the other hand, another advantage of having a close friendship is that you will never suffer from loneliness. As people grow older, they can become lonely and internally isolated. When you have someone to share your life with, your life becomes exciting and fascinating. When Lennie and George traveled together, they sometimes argued, but in the end, they didn't mean it at all. “I was only joking, George. I don't want ketchup. I wouldn't eat ketchup if it was right next to me. . . But I wouldn't eat it, George. I'll leave everything to you. You could cover your beans with it and I wouldn't touch a thing. » (14) George was yelling at Lennie and telling him that if he didn't have it, he could do whatever he wanted, when in reality George didn't have it. means none of these things. George was happy to have a friend in Lennie, so he wouldn't have to feel alone. With Lennie's simple mind, he couldn't understand what George was talking about half the time, but he knew George was upset about simple things, like ketchup. Lennie would apologize because he too was very grateful to have George to travel with and didn't want to lose him. Even though he didn't understand the complexity of things sometimes, he knew he had a true friend he trusted and he wouldn't leave him. The friendship between them also went beyond what was obvious, in fact, they shared a common dream together. They dreamed of land of their own, of..