
  • Essay / Individual and team experience in a virtual world and...

    MGMT 1001 Everest Report - 30% of final grade Sarah Zhou Student Number: z5016963 Tutor: Phillip Tutorial Time: Friday 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Word Count: Report Objective: Critically analyze your individual and team experiences in a virtual world and in a physical team using the results of the Everest simulation using the following three course concepts.1) Communication (including the Disinhibition effect) ; 2) Groups and teams (including virtual teams); and 3) LeadershipSummary Chosen by the UNSW Australian Business School and designed by Harvard Business School and Forio Business Simulations, the interactive virtual game called Everest challenges each player with their assigned roles to undertake and face specific challenges that arise during the process of reaching the summit. of Mount Everest as a team. By summarizing the importance of collective teamwork and effective communication in order to achieve group and personal goals, the simulation facilitates a realistic experience of an environment with other team members, bringing us to reflect on the methods and obstacles to communication as well as the disinhibition effect felt. by virtual teams. The development of our formal group, the “Team Summit” and group processes, particularly conflict management, provide us with virtual examples of the key issues faced by managers within organizations in striving for success. Although team leaders were formally designated prior to both simulations, essentially shared leadership involving all group members was found to increase levels of cohesion and minimize intragroup conflict, thereby contributing to consistent and successful team outcomes. two simulations. Given two opportunities to perform the simulations in our designated group. ..... middle of paper ...... such as communication, leadership, and groups and teams, including virtual teams. Her engaging experience enabled interactive learning and in-depth analysis of the relationship between effective communication and the beneficial outcomes of shared leadership within groups and teams. Through my individual experience as an observer and my experience as a group member, developing groups according to the Tuckman model and ineffective methods such as communication barriers and shared leadership may have be reduced the inefficiency of the first simulation. By implementing specific strategies such as minimizing intra-group conflict, adopting positive leadership attitudes, and assigning roles to team members, group cohesion and team dynamics can be optimized to increase individual and team performance as evidenced by our results..