
  • Essay / Islamic law regarding neighbors - 820

    Islamic law regarding neighborsWhat is the criterion for determining neighbors? “Serve Allah and associate no associate with Him; and do good to parents, to relatives, to orphans, to the needy, to near neighbors, to stranger neighbors, to the companion who is by your side, to the traveler (whom you meet), and to that which your right hands possess. For Allah does not like the arrogant, the vain. (Holy Quran 4:36) Hazrat Hassan (Radi Allahu Anho) defined neighbors as “Forty houses on the left, forty houses on the right, forty houses in front and forty houses behind your house. ". So, according to the above, it is said that. means at least 40 houses in all directions are considered neighbors. Additionally, there are three ranks of neighbors according to Islamic law, the highest being: 1. )3. Neither Muslim nor parent. According to a hadith, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “…Gabriel kept advising me to treat my neighbors with kindness and politeness, so that I thought that Allah would [command me] to do so [ my] heirs. » (Sunan Abu Dawood) Why is neighborhood vital? Islam is a religion that teaches us in all areas of life and gives us a perfect moral code. Treating your neighbors well is also something that Islam strongly emphasizes. according to Islamic law, the neighborhood is vital. • Unity: Frequent interaction with your neighbors can create a strong bond with the people of your city, which will be beneficial for the whole society, like the safety of your children playing in the city, the fear of thieves in the city. the whole community. we will be united to catch the thieves and tons of other benefits are possible if we follow the islamic law of unity here.• middle of paper attitude ....... Help could be anything , even choosing a stone in front of your neighbor's house would be considered a help. Whereas if one of your neighbors is sick, you must take special care of them. • Socializing: Your neighbors are not strangers, so communicate with them often and do other activities at the same time. with them, for example by inviting them to dinner at your house, taking a morning walk with them or going to pray with them at the mosque, etc. After the above explanation, it is indeed very clear that under Islamic law we have certain obligations towards our neighbors. Our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a model to follow. In the Last Sermon, He too (PBUH) greatly emphasized the importance of the neighbor and his respective rights. Let us start by treating our neighbors kindly and be among the close ones of Allah Almighty. And Only Allah Almighty knows best!