
  • Essay / Article by Sabin: Why animal testing is not wrong?

    So it's understandable that people like Peggy Carlson say that animal testing is wrong and we shouldn't resort to it. In his article, Carlson states: "In the case of the polio vaccine, misleading animal experiments distracted scientists from reliable clinical studies, thereby delaying, according to Dr. Sabin himself, initial work on prevention of polio. polio. ยป (Page 160). It is important to understand that animal testing is not the perfect solution, but it is necessary. There will be mistakes, but this is the right course of action. Scientists are looking for alternatives to animal testing, but there simply isn't a better alternative available to them right now. Human testing is not even considered an option. Forgoing animal testing is also not an option, as the human race would be virtually eradicated by the pathogens it created. The closest thing to a better alternative is stem cells. Once stem cell research advances to the point where scientists can use them to produce drugs for disease, they will undoubtedly be used at the expense of animal testing. Animal testing is not going to stop because of the humans who suffer the results. What can be done to reduce the number of animal experiments is to devote more research to stem cells. With more breakthroughs in stem cell research, scientists can create organs that can be used to discover cures. Until these advances are made, animal testing remains the best choice the human race has for survival..