
  • Essay / Spicy Languages: Mother Tongue by Amy Tan - 935

    “I am someone who has always loved languages. I am fascinated by language in everyday life. Amy Tan, an Asian-American author of Mother Tongue, loves the different “Englishes” that can be spoken. In the article, she shares her personal feelings when she was younger; his embarrassment at his mother's English and even his own struggle with the language. Amy Tan writes Mother Tongue effectively using diction to show tone, describe stunning syntax, and express vivid imagery. His use of personal diction uniquely expresses tone through his opinions and feelings. Amy Tan shows that this article is personal to her because of the anecdotes in her article. One story Tan told was “when I was fifteen, she would make me call people on the phone and pretend I was her. » At the age of fifteen, she “had to ask for information or even complain and yell at people…” She felt “flushed and calm”. Amy Tan expressed her feelings to show that the topic she was writing about is personal; she showed her embarrassment and let the reader into a vulnerable part of her past. The stories Tan shares add to the tone of the article by being personal, where readers can connect and get a sense of her situation. She says: "I think my mother's English almost had the effect of limiting my opportunities in life... the language spoken in the family, particularly in immigrant families which are more insular, plays an important role in shaping of the child's language. the reason she tells her stories. In addition to telling her personal stories, she adds her own opinion on the subject, writing an article about what she thought might have happened or what she originally thought. Tan never knows how to explain the sp...... middle of paper ......e to the reader the full meaning of his experiences. Tan's article was written with her readers in mind and she deliberately shortened her descriptions; Overall this improved the article. In Mother Tongue, Amy Tan uses diction to make the article personal; it has brilliant syntax and innovative imagery giving an effective vision of its theme. The tone of the essay allows the reader to connect personally; she shares real stories and her opinions. His syntax throughout the document was creative; she used a combination of short and long sentences in order to emphasize her points. The images were well developed and very vivid, especially when we talked about the day turning into nightfall. This is the true story of how the author of the famous Joy Luck Club found his writing style. Not his mother's English, not his teachers' English, but a happy medium.