
  • Essay / Probation Essay - 1094

    The philosophy of probation has changed in recent years. Originally, probation officers were seen as social workers, able to focus on the individual offender rather than the statutory schemes of the legal system. This ideology aligned with the structure of indeterminate sentences which recognized the individualization of the offender. However, probation officers today are called “guideline keepers” (Bunzel, 1995, para 2). Under this new philosophy, probation facilitates a widening net that addresses key government concerns about overcrowding in correctional facilities and high expenses. The offender and the utilitarian motive take second place to the objectives of the network expansion project. This has made the determinate sentencing model a means of falsifying the right of offenders to be treated with human dignity; by achieving the retributive goal of the philosophy of justice models, crime on criminal with the use of fixed conditions of supervision and punishment stacking practices. Over the past 30 years, the sentencing and correctional practices of the criminal justice system have changed enormously. Moving from a rehabilitation approach in the early 20th century to the current uniform approach to the justice model in the 1970s (Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2001). These changes have had an immense impact on probation practices and conditions. Under rehabilitation models, the goal of probation was to focus on individualized treatment that would help improve the offender and make him a productive individual and member of the community. The focus was on the criminal rather than the crime. However, with crime rates increasing during the 1960s, the rehabilitative approach to crime quickly associated with crime may hinder the individual's ability to successfully reintegrate. Therefore, unless imprisonment is necessary for public safety, it is not an effective form of sentencing. Determined sentencing practices are inappropriate for the purposes of probation practices and sentences. The ultimate goal of probation was to bring fairness, humanity, and utility to punitive practices. This process has been hampered by probation's reliance on a net-widening system that focuses more on the ideas of the offense rather than the needs of the offender. Additionally, mandatory sentencing strategies that guide incarceration practices have been shown to have a negative effect on reducing recidivism rates. Determined sentencing used as a method of fighting crime does not provide a means of solving crime. This only falsifies a solution to the crime.