
  • Essay / Astronauts and Space Food - 1066

    Space food is a variety of foods created and processed for consumption by astronauts in space. The first NASA astronauts had to eat in space in order to testify. John Glenn was the first American to go to the Moon to eat in a weightless space environment and discovered that the task of eating was quite easy. Several astronauts ate food in the form of small cubes, made from powders and semi-liquids wrapped in aluminum tubes. Most astronauts agreed that the foods were not filling or unappetizing and disliked the fact of having to squeeze food into tube-shaped objects. In addition, the food was difficult to rehydrate and it was necessary to prevent crumbs from clogging the instruments. The scientist complained about going on a mission to test and improve the food he ate. The manufactured foods were always in squeeze tubes. In fact, the bites were coated in gelatin to reduce crumbling, and the freeze-dried foods weren't very tasty (NASA). If they had improved food packaging, the quality of food and menus would be more satisfying for astronauts. So the astronauts had foods such as: chicken, vegetables, butterscotch pudding, applesauce, and selective food combinations that they would like. However, with the launch of the Apollo program, the quality of food has been improved with a variety of foods. foods to choose from. The Apollo astronauts were the first to have hot water, which made it easy to rehydrate food. They were also the first to use plastic spoons, bowls and containers. Over the years, the task of eating in space has received a big boost from Skylab; Additionally, there were tables and rooms for the astronauts to have lunch. There was... middle of article...... I also discovered, researched and experimented trying to find new ways to grow crops in space. The agency also recently announced plans to grow watercress, turnips and more. To achieve this, they will have to protect the plants from harmful radiation and lack of atmosphere. This isn't the only research NASA is trying to experiment with on how people can actually live and grow crops on the Moon. Additionally, growing plants on the Moon would be very difficult because the temperature on the surface of the Moon is around 150 degrees and on the other side it is minus 150 degrees. So if they were to grow plants on the Moon for astronauts to eat, the plants NASA sends there would be exposed to the intense temperature and radiation. This is just the first step in an experiment to explore crops on the Moon and how astronauts can eat in space..