
  • Essay / Exploring the Effects of Marijuana on the Human Body

    This research essay will explain the negative effects of marijuana use and the people who enjoy the convenience of dealing marijuana off the streets. Marijuana becomes addictive among young adolescents and adults. Marijuana is a dried flower of cannabis plants. These plants are usually smoked to produce a psychoactive effect. “These and other plants can be processed into oil, high hash, extracts and other refined products that can be consumed, smoked and vaporized.” The psychoactive effect produced by marijuana is known as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Marijuana contains over four hundred documented chemicals. More than a hundred active cannabinoids. Cannabinoids can affect a person mentally and physically. (THC) are found in different marijuana, which changes the person's mood or behavior. The active chemicals in marijuana cause drug-like effects throughout the body, including the central nervous system and immune system. The main active cannabinoid in marijuana is delta-9-THC. Another active cannabinoid is cannabidiol (CBD), which can relieve pain and reduce inflammation without causing euphoria. Say no to plagiarism. Get a Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay Although marijuana and cannabinoids have been studied in relation to managing the side effects of cancer and cancer therapies , there are no ongoing clinical trials of marijuana or cannabinoids in the treatment of cancer in humans. Additionally, marijuana can cause side effects and complications. There is insufficient evidence to recommend that patients inhale or ingest marijuana as a treatment for cancer-related symptoms or side effects of cancer treatment. Smoked marijuana delivers THC and other cannabinoids to the body, but it also delivers harmful substances to users and their loved ones, including many of the same substances found in tobacco smoke that are harmful to the lungs and cardiovascular system . A few studies have shown that marijuana may be helpful in treating neuropathic pain (pain caused by damaged nerves). More research is needed to know whether marijuana is better or worse than other chronic pain management options. Marijuana has proven benefits due to its use in hospitals to relieve chronic pain and help you relax when you are stressed. Cannabidiol CBD helps relieve insomnia, anxiety, spasticity and pain in the treatment of life-threatening conditions such as epilepsy. Marijuana use in children can affect learning ability, attention, memory, coordination, balance, judgment and decision-making. Many parents also think that pot must be harmless because they think it is a natural herb. But studies show that marijuana can have harmful effects on adolescent brain development. People who use marijuana before age 12 are twice as likely to have serious mental illness as those who first use it at age 18 or older. Nearly 53 percent of people aged 18 or older who reported lifetime marijuana use say they first used marijuana between the ages of 12 and 17. About 2 percent report using marijuanafor the first time before the age of 12. In 2010, 21 percent of high school students had used marijuana in the past. 30 days, while 19 percent smoked cigarettes. Nineteen percent of teen drivers report driving under the influence of marijuana. People who abuse marijuana are considered addicted to marijuana if they continue to use it even though it interferes with many aspects of their life and if they experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit. It is estimated that 9% of marijuana users eventually become addicted to it. For users who began using marijuana as teenagers, the percentage of those who become addicted is approximately 17%. Among those who smoke marijuana daily, the number who become addicted ranges from 25 to 50 percent. In 2010, of the 7.1 million Americans who abuse drugs, 4.5 million used marijuana. In 2009, about 18% of people seeking drug treatment reported marijuana as their primary drug. “Also in 2009, 61% of people under the age of 15 receiving treatment reported that marijuana was their primary drug of use.” Marijuana-related problems may occur during or after the first use of marijuana, or they may build up over time. In 2003, the diagnostic criteria changed and a new cannabis use disorder appeared in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Related to Cannabis Abuse and Dependence. Marijuana abuse and dependence on marijuana appear to overlap perhaps more than abuse and dependence on other drugs, particularly because of the current status of the drug in the minds of users which may be the harmless drug. Marijuana users can easily consume only a small amount of marijuana with a mild effect, without any particular desire to get high.” Epidemiological study, marijuana and tobacco have the same type of respiratory damage as smoke illness. Marijuana contains (THC) which makes them crash or speed up their heart. The effects of the drug may differ depending on factors such as the variety of marijuana consumed by the user, the level of THC content, and the method of consumption. General effects of marijuana's high include altered sensory perception, with particularly profound impacts on vision, hearing, and taste. This can also induce temporal distortions, making time appear to pass more slowly. Mood changes may occur; these effects tend to be highly subjective and dependent on the mental and emotional state of the user. Many users report that the effect causes difficulty in sequential reasoning and problem solving, but stimulates creativity and free, associative thinking. At very high doses, marijuana can also cause delusions and hallucinations. The legalization of recreational marijuana has had both positive and negative impacts. On the positive side, states where recreational marijuana is legal have enjoyed a significant increase in tax revenue. “Colorado, which was the first state to legalize the drug for recreational use for adults, generated $506 million in revenue from marijuana sales between January 2014 and July 2017, including more than $200 million in nothing than in 2016. A 2017 study also showed that if marijuana were legalized in the United States at the federal level, it would generate $132 billion in tax revenue and create more than a million jobs over the ten-year period./